On air

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College AU


Y/n was losing interest, as the sheet of paper before her revealed random doodles and scribbles. She was stuck in one of the broadcast booths, away from the noise and the action, but with one of the better views, providing emergency coverage of Hybe University's swim meet. Hanni was sitting next to her, doing all the work, reading out names and teams and times, and Y/n was really there for moral support when Hanni needed a breather.

She'd received a text last night, begging for her help, because Dani has the flu and has lost her voice, and can she 'please just come and help out?' Hanni hardly ever begged, so that was something, and she wasn't a total failure of a friend; hence how she found herself in hour six of God knows how many.

It wasn't a bad gig, as they went. Hanni had asked her worse. But hour six. She had been there six hours, including the hour and a half Hanni wanted for prep work before they even started! She was done. She had seen swim team after swim team, and dive after dive, and was anyone even listening anymore?

"I'm going to get a drink, do you want anything?" Hanni asked, gently nudging Y/n's arm as she scribbled the Hybe University logo across her sheet.

"No thanks, I'm good." Hanni gave a nod and got up.

"Setlist is on for now, I should be back before it's done, but if not, just reiterate who the team is, and read my notes."

Y/n could do that. Putting her headphones back on, she listened to what those tuned in would hear, and watched and waited. She'd found that sitting there, with what felt like all the time in the world, allowed her to people watch.

The group of guys in the center of the seating were secretly drinking and smuggling beer to other members of the crowd, Y/n noted at hour one; the banner third from the left on the top row was spelt wrong, and unfortunately measures to fix it hadn't helped matters; the coaches seemed to treat this like it was the Olympics; and when had swim meets become a beacon for pretty people?

This was new information to her. No, seriously, where had all these stunning people been hiding on campus? Y/n felt like it was unfair to have so many pretty people in one room.

"Did you mess up?" Hanni asked, coming back in, bottle of water in hand and putting her headphones on to hear what was on.

"Of course I didn't, I'm a pro at this," Y/n replied, rolling her eyes at yee of little faith. Hanni simply smirked, enjoying the rise she was getting. "How much longer? I think the smell of chlorine is melting my brain," Y/n went on to say, leaning her face on her hands.

"Not long, we're almost done. Now shush, some of us have to work." Y/n didn't get a chance to argue with that statement, because Hanni was back, sprouting numbers and times, as if she was the pro at this stuff.

So, it was back to doodling, to occasionally watching the crowd, and to finding her own amusement. Y/n knew that she needed to be quiet, and she was, she was being quiet, she was minding her own business. But when the teams stopped, between races, and the crowd began to move, Hanni muted the mic in front of her, and that was a go.

Looking up, to people watching some more, and to admire the crowd, Y/n noted the doors opening at the side of the seating, and more folks piling in. That didn't bode well for her trying to get out there any time soon.

And then, Aphrodite herself walked in, knocking all conscious thought from Y/n's mind; walking with confidence, casually dressed, and to some she might blend in, but to Y/n, she stood out. She was...how? How was it that someone looked that good?

"Oh come on," Y/n groaned, "come on!" shaking her head, and pulling Hanni's attention to her.

"What's wrong? What happened?" she asked, looking from Y/n to the pool, trying to see if there was any reason for the outburst.

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