Case closed

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There were hearts this time.

She stared down at her name written on the side of her coffee cup, the loopy way the barista wrote her name and the little love hearts on either side, and Y/n felt a warm flutter in her stomach. Every day she went to the same coffee shop and was served by the cute raven haired girl with the glasses, the lopsided name badge pinned to her apron reading Haerin, and every day Y/n came away with a black coffee, her name written in the flowing handwriting, and some adornment of stars or flowers or smiley faces hastily drawn on them too.

But today there were hearts.

Before she hurried out into the early morning, Y/n glanced back over her shoulder and watched as the barista, Haerin, gave her a small wave and a warm smile, and Y/n quickly turned back around, her cheeks turning pink as she got flustered at being caught.

Coffee in hand and her satchel slung over one shoulder, Y/n hurried across campus, on her way to her Advanced Clinical Practice class. She sipped at the bitter coffee, a slight frown gracing her face as she walked up the path to the old brick building, the perfectly trimmed grass stretching out on either side and the bare trees standing like sentinels as she made for the towering front doors. Slipping inside, the warmth washing over her as she escaped the wind, Y/n couldn't help but think about the barista, heels clicking on the tiled floor as she thought about her raven hair and soft smile, the sunny personality and her warm voice.

She knew her of course. Her roommate, Minji, was friends with Haerin's older sister, and that was how Y/n had met Haerin. They weren't friends though, or much of anything. One day Y/n had been with Minji and Seulgi, and they'd gone to the coffee shop Seulgi said her sister worked at and Y/n had been completely enamored by the raven haired woman. Since then, she had made it a habit to go completely out of her way to go to that coffee shop every single time she was buying coffee.

It was endlessly frustrating to her to not know what Haerin's kindness meant though because Y/n had noticed that she never drew patterns on other people's cups, so it had to mean something though? But did it mean 'hey I vaguely know you because my sister is friends with your roommate' or was it a small attempt at flirting, the same way that Y/n had been showing up at that coffee shop every day for the past few months, hoping that Haerin would take the hint that she was there for her.

Feeling confused, Y/n made her way towards the airy lecture hall and took a seat in her usual spot near the back. The lecture dragged by and she paid little attention to her professor droning on at the front of the hall, too busy rolling the now empty coffee cup between her palms, staring at the sleeve with her name and the hearts. It wasn't like Y/n had deluded herself into thinking that they knew each other well enough to have feelings for each other, but Y/n would be lying if she said she wasn't infatuated with Haerin. It was hard not to be when she smiled and made Y/n's heart race and her palms clammy.

Thankfully, it was Y/n's last class for the day, and as soon as the professor dismissed them, she was out of her seat and already moving quickly. She traced the hearts on the coffee cup before tossing it in the trash and made her way out of the old building, taking the long way home, which would lead her past the coffee shop on her way, and Y/n secretly hoped she'd catch a glimpse of Haerin on her way past.

Books clutched in her arms, she walked quickly, hoping that the raven haired girl was still working her shift, and was too busy trying to peer through the glare of sunlight reflecting off the coffee shop windows to notice the person slowly walking backwards towards her, scattering the crumbs of a half-eaten muffin on the paved path for the pigeons she was trying to attract. Y/n bumped straight into the person, who was bent over and murmuring to the birds, tripped over her own feet and sent them both crashing to the ground, laying on top of the girl's back with her books scattered around them.

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