You're worth it

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Y/n didn't meet Haerin on a dating website or a hookup app or anything like that; instead, she met her on a forum for like-minded individuals.

Basically, they were both trolling the hell out of idiots who couldn't fact check and were ignorant bigots. They both liked the hours between two and five am and found each other's wit and intellect the stuff of hilarity and legend.

They started talking, then they started emailing and eventually they started messaging. It was now over twelve months in and Y/n was fairly certain she'd fallen in love with her internet friend.

It was actually kind of a problem.

They'd exchanged details during the fourth month; she lived in LA and Haerin was originally from South Korea but was currently living in New York. They also exchanged pictures, partly because Y/n took a brilliant selfie she wanted to share and mostly because at seven months in and nursing a crush, she'd wanted to know what her brilliant friend looked like.

Haerin hadn't responded back for a good few hours but eventually a picture of a black-haired, cat-eyed gorgeous woman had been emailed to her and Y/n's attraction levels had skyrocketed from intellectual crush to full-blown 'everything about you' crush.

They talked every day; messaging each other about new idiots to troll, new scientific articles to read and anything else of interest. Y/n sent her hilarious cat memes that Haerin complained about, but secretly loved. Y/n recommended pop culture to Haerin and Haerin recommended art exhibits and other snooty, highbrow things that somehow Y/n always ended up checking out and loving.

Haerin was perfect in every way and while she'd never specifically mentioned her sexuality, Y/n had worked out by the fifth month that Haerin was gay. It meant that, fourteen months into knowing her, Y/n was hopeful about the possibility of 'more than friends'.

The problem was that every time Y/n had tried to mention meeting up when she was visiting New York for business, Haerin always had an excuse as to why they couldn't. It hurt more than a little and always left Y/n disappointed and depressed.

It also left Y/n where she was now; in New York having never bothered to tell Haerin she was there. She knew she'd only get a 'no' and she hadn't wanted to hear it again. It was why she was staying, as she always did, at her apartment and moping. The place was usually vacant when she wasn't in town, but for the last year one of her closest friends had needed to move to the city for work. Minji refused to just stay for free and so Y/n was renting it to her at a very cheap rate and staying in the spare room.

She was currently lying on the living room couch, staring at her phone and sighing softly. She'd never told Haerin, but the four photos she'd managed to squeeze out of the other woman were saved on her phone and she often found herself flipping back to them whenever she was having a bad day.

The first photo she'd gained was one of Haerin giving her phone a small, amused smirk, wearing a rainbow fluffy sweater and jeans. The second was a photo of Haerin in a gorgeous black dress from when she'd had to attend a family wedding; she was scowling as she was putting on her make-up, unaware that a photo was being taken. The third was a picture of Haerin rugged up during a Seoul winter from when she'd visited her family. There was barely any part of her face visible as she proved 'just how god damn cold I am right now, Y/n'. The final picture was of Haerin wearing a Christmas jumper that her mother had knitted for her; Y/n had begged, pleaded, pouted and whined until Haerin had taken a picture of herself in the loudly complained about red jumper with prancing reindeers.

It was as she was looking at the picture of Haerin in her dress and smiling wistfully that Minji remarked, "Still pining after Haerin?"

"Yes," Y/n sighed loudly, unable and unwilling to deny it to Minji or Hanni. Her two best friends knew she had it bad, so what was the point of hiding it?

You're nothing short of my everything | Haerin x reader one shotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora