Chapter 50

655 33 24

Park Jimin

Since Taehyung's went to comma it's been really hard for me to keep up with life. As soon as I close studio I go straight to hospital to see him. Yoongi's been really supportive all this time. Same goes for Hoseok, he calls me every night to ask me how I am doing. A few nights ago he did something crazy. Almost at midnight he called me and said that come to my window. When I came at window he was standing on the road. When I asked him to come inside he said he just wanted to see me and left.

My parents tell me constantly that it's okay because at some point we all have to return to normal. We can't cease life. It has to go on. But I don't want to leave him. What if he wakes up and I am not here? He will feel alone.

Today my mother really forced me to give sometime to myself also. So, I decided to invite Yoongi at dinner to my place. I took Tae's advice and also invited Hoseok. Yoongi doesn't know this. Due to my nightmare and ongoing events I was feeling frustrated. Cherry on top Hoseok's mixed signals weren't helping me at all. I thought might this help me to find answers to my questions.

Yoongi called me and told me he'll be an hour late because something came up at work. I don't react on these matters because I am mature enough to know that with his line of work these things are regular. I always seek for peace in a relationship rather creating fuss over absurd things.

I looked myself last time in mirror and went to kitchen to see everything was prepared. Bell rang and with the sound of it my heart started beating loud in my chest. Is my heart forcing me to cheat on Yoongi? I calmed my breath and opened the door.

He was looking handsome extremely handsome. Wearing black suit with exposed chest. No shirt underneath his blazer. Hair combed back neatly with gel.


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"Mr...Ju..Hoseok please come inside." I said gesturing.

He smiled at me and came inside. I lead him to the living room.

"These are for you." he extended a bouquet of roses he was holding along with some expensive ass champagne.

"Oh thankyou for these." I said.

I brought out two glasses from kitchen and settled them on table along with champagne je brought.

"If it isn't much bother I would like to have a coffee Jimin." he said looking at me.

"But it's 7pm don't you think it's a bit weird to have coffee at this time." I said.

"I can have coffee made by you every hour of the day if I could." he said maintaining the eye contact.

"I'll make one for you" I smiled and rushed to kitchen. Oh God my face felt blazing. I was still processing what happened when his voice startled me.

"You need help with something?" he said leaning against the door frame.

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