Part 49: The good in the bad

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"Well, I think I see him," Hugo told them.

Lily glanced at her cousin. "Where?"

Hugo pointed over to the left. "Isn't that big hulking guy over there him?" he asked.

Lily looked to where he pointed, and felt her heart flutter at the sight of her boyfriend in the small distance. She turned to the others. "Excuse me, then."

"Hold on," Ginny stopped. Lily turned to look at her mother, trying not to look annoyed.

"What?" Lily demanded, trying to sound nice about it.

"Can you at least say goodbye to your family? I know you're going to get caught up and forget," Ginny told her.

Lily felt a weird feeling at the undertone of her mother's voice. Something was off about it. It wasn't the usual teasing or joking tone she used when Lily wanted to go off with her friends. It was . . . harder, and almost angry and irritated.

Lily wet her lip, her mouth feeling dry. And for the first time in a long time, Lily hugged her father first. "Bye, Dad," she whispered.

She felt her dad hugged her back. "Be good this year, princess. And have fun," Harry said.

Lily nodded as she pulled from the hug. "I'll try, but I'm not making promises," she joked lightly. Then she hesitantly hugged her mother. "Bye, Mum."

"Bye, sweetie. You make sure to write to us. You're almost as bad as your brothers are about it, but try to make it at least twice a month," Ginny requested.

Lily couldn't stop her shoulders tensing when she was compared to James and Albus. Did her mother have to make a comparison between them? But she bit back any retort. "Of course, Mum," she mumbled. She pulled from the hug, and grabbed her trunk. "Bye, Aunt Hermione, Uncle Ron."

"Have fun, Lily," Hermione told her, while Ron gave her a simple nod.

Lily looked at Hugo and Lola. "You coming?"

Lola grinned. "I'm going to head to the compartment. Hugo?"

Hugo sighed. "Well, I'm going to stay here a couple more minutes. Deal with the parents," he muttered the last part, "and then I might catch up with my friends before I get on the train. That way I can go to your compartment after the meeting."

"Ok. I'll see you then," Lily told them.

"Here, we'll get your things onto the train," Harry assured, taking her trunk from her. He picked up her empty owl cage. "Where is Regal?"

"On his way to Hogwarts. He flies every year," Lily replied. "Thanks. I'll see you at Christmas." She turned and began to quickly walk over to where Scorpius had been seen. The broad back of her boyfriend was turned toward her, oblivious to her approach. So Lily wrapped her arms around his middle. "Hi there," she said with a smile.

She felt him relaxed quickly, and felt his hands grab hers. He turned and smiled down at her. "Hello there, beautiful." He leaned down and kissed her twice on the lips. "I was wondering when I would see you."

"I've been looking for you since I got here," Lily assured.

Scorpius smirked. "Mum and Dad are just over there. Want to see them?"

Lily nodded. "Of course."

Scorpius wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and led her away toward where she could now see his parents, talking with another couple. But Astoria seemed to sense their approach, because she turned her head to them, and a smile spread across her face.

"Lily! There you are!" Astoria exclaimed happily. She pulled Lily away from Scorpius and into a tight hug.

Lily laughed a little as she hugged her back. "I thought I would see you before I go on the train."

Slytherin's Potter ( Scorpius Malfoy x Lily Luna Potter)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat