Part 48: Which family is mine?

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Lily looked at Lana in surprise, as did Lola. "You're what?" Lola said in surprise.

"Justin asked me out yesterday," Lana explained.

The memory of Justin and Rex talking about Justin's longtime crush on Lana came to Lily's mind. Justin must be on cloud nine, she thought. "Think it will last?" Lily asked.

Lana shrugged. "No idea. I'm trying to refrain from thinking too far ahead this year."

"Not a bad idea," Lily muttered.

Later that night, Lily found herself in a club, The Back Alley, sitting at a table with the others. The place was loud, with quite a few people. They were now just waiting for Mitch's band to play. Lily had a coke in her hand, staying quiet as her friends talked around her.

"No way," Lars said over the others.

"What?" Scorpius asked.

Lars pointed. "Look."

The others looked to where he was pointing, the stage, and were shocked as well. Mitch's band was stepping onto the stage, and Dominique was with them. At first Lily thought that maybe she was just wishing her boyfriend good luck. Until she stepped up to the microphone.

"Dominique is their singer?" Lana said with surprise.

"I didn't even know she could sing," Lily told them.

"Why her of all people?" Hunter wondered.

Rex started them off with a drum beat, and soon they took off in a whirlwind of rock. And Lily then understood why they chose Dominique. She was good! Her voice was clear, yet perfect with the sound of the music. Lily wondered if her voice was a product of her veela blood. Could veelas sing?

"Holy shit, she's good!" Jace said with surprise.

"Now we're going to have to put up with her even more," Lars groaned.

"I gotta give her props," Scorpius sighed. "She can sing. And they sound good together."

They did six songs, and two encores. The people in the club loved them. Lily agreed. They were great. She even had to admit that Dominique was better than Will had been. Once they finished, the four came over to the table.

"You guys were great!" Lola squealed.

Mitch grinned as they sat down. "Like my choice of a singer?"

Lily laughed. "No, but she's good."

Dominique rolled her eyes. "Bite me."

Lily grinned. "So, you have to tell me, how is Uncle Bill taking the news of your job choice?"

"Wouldn't know," Dominique said breezily. "I haven't told them about it. It's none of their business."

"That and he would explode," Lily retorted.

"He'll live with it," Dominique replied. "I like singing. I never thought I would, but I do."

"You learn something new every day," Lily sighed. "So, where did you tell your parents that you were going?"

"I told them I was staying at a friend's house," Dominique told her.

"Where are you going after this?" Lily asked.

Dominique didn't answer, but looked expectantly at Mitch, who stalled by taking big drink from his glass. Then he looked at Scorpius.

Scorpius ran a hand through his hair. "You two aren't having sex anywhere in my flat," he muttered.

Mitch grinned. "You got a deal! Does the hall outside count?"

Scorpius smirked. "As long as you're outside the door."

Slytherin's Potter ( Scorpius Malfoy x Lily Luna Potter)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora