Part 47:Best Birthday ever

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, but Belle and Nero aren't annoying. They're quiet and easy to put up with," Dominique replied. Lily thought about it. She had met Dominique's cousins once, but she didn't remember much of them. They hadn't spoken very much English. But then again, they were, what, six?

"Are they coming too?" Lily asked.

"No idea," Dominique sighed. She rolled onto her stomach as Lily began to find an outfit to wear to the Burrow. "How is it here without James?"

"Perfect!" Lily said, almost squealing with delight. James had moved out a few days ago, leaving only a bed and a few other pieces of furniture in his old room. Lily had loved it, and was the only one not upset when he left completely. She had gone to work with a smile and a great attitude. The house was much quieter, and even Albus was easier to handle. He didn't seem to start as much trouble with her without James around to back him up.

"I can imagine. I can't wait until I get to move out," Dominique muttered.

"Why don't you?" Lily asked. "You're seventeen, and you've got a job."

"My parents would lock me in my room for the thought," she brooded. "I give Malfoy credit for running while he could. I envy him for that."

Lily rolled her eyes. "He didn't run. He just wanted a bit of independence."

"Do your parents know that your boyfriend lives along?" Dominique asked.

"Nope, and they don't need to. They would never let me go out alone with him," Lily told her.

"Do you go over there?" Dominique asked with a girlish grin.

Lily tried not to smile. "Yeah, we do. But don't even start to make jokes. We don't do what you're thinking."

"What, do you play chess?" Dominique mocked.

Lily tried not to glare. Fifteen and she still hated that game. "No. We hang out. I'm not saying we don't snog at all when we're there, but not in the way you want to imply," she explained. After pulling out a modest white sundress, Lily looked at Dominique. "So, have you and Mitch?"

Dominique raised a brow. "Have we what?"

Lily rolled her eyes. She was such a bitch. "Have you two had sex yet?" Lily moved to her dresser.

"No shit," Dominique muttered. But then she lost the sarcasm. "We sealed that deal sometime after Christmas our sixth year." When Lily looked back at her, she was amused. "Just to clear this up, we aren't entering some girl talk, are we?"

Lily laughed as she pulled out a bra and underwear. "If you want to, we can."

"Well, I don't talk to anyone else in the family about it," Dominique sighed. "You can keep your mouth shut?"

"Do I talk to anyone in the family really?" Lily muttered as she grabbed a pair of white sandals.

"Good point. So, how far have you and Malfoy gone?" Dominique asked, firing off the first question.

Lily sighed as she stepped around Dominique, behind her back, and began to get dressed for the day. "Not too far, I guess," Lily told her.

"He hasn't felt you up yet?" she laughed.

Lily grinned. "Well, a couple times by accident. We haven't been dating for that long."

"You gunna give it up to him eventually?" Dominique inquired.

Lily felt her heart and stomach flutter. While the idea of being with Scorpius had always been crossing her head, sex with Scorpius was something that hadn't came to her yet. Not because she was young or anything, though that was a factor, but because she couldn't exactly say that she loved Scorpius. He still wasn't fitting one requirement for her.

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