Chapter Five

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When I looked around his room, I noticed how well-organized everything was. I noticed there was only one bed which meant he didn't have any roomates while I had three roomates. "Why don't you have any roomates?" I asked him curiously.

Tom simply raised his wand to my temple, imploring me to stop talking. "Episkey," He whispered. I drew in a sharp breath, feeling a tingling sensation on my skin due to his close proximity. He shifted his focus from my temple to my gaze, but I couldn't hold it, deciding to look away. He repeated this process for my cheek, "All done." He said.

"Thank you, Tom!" He looked at me with a small, barely visible smile on his face. He sat beside me without saying anything."

"Let's start with the rules. I'd like to set some ground rules for what we can and cannot do. So you'd like to go first?

He thought for a while before saying, "I need you to be seated beside me in every lesson and meal." Irritation creased my forehead, not wanting to spend more time with him. "Is there any problem?" He inquired and I shook my head.

"Secondly, let me be clear, this is a fake relationship. Meaning, no catching feeling or falling in love." He uttered in a serious tone. He wasn't my type so I didn't have to worry about that. "I want you to tell no one about this arrangement. Only Abraxas will know of this." It was fine by, I didn't want to explain to my frieds why I'm doing this. They will probably convince me to not do it. That's it for me, and I will tell you  if there are any more."

I was cleared of what rules I wanted, "Physical contact is allowed if it is necessary, for example kissing. But no sex." The last part escaped my lips under my breath, and when I raised my head, I noticed him smirking. "We will continue this as long it is beneficial for both of us." I continued.

"Okay, I'd like to have you sit next to me at breakfast tomorrow." I nodded, suddenly feeling very scared for the day ahead. I'm not sure what my friends will think of this.


The next morning, I was waiting for Hudson in the Great Hall. Upon entering, she headed straight for her friends, prior to approaching me. She conversed with them for a while, after which she cast a fleeting glimpse in my direction before setting her sights upon me and walking toward me.

As I sat alone, Nott sauntered over and perched himself beside me. "Move Nott, someone will be seated here.," I asserted. His eyebrows elevated in surprise but he didn't question me and shuffled aside obediently.

When Hudson arrived, she strode over towards me and promptly occupied the seat next to me. The boys halted their meal as soon as she sat beside me. Rosier opened his mouth to question Hudson, but I swiftly silenced him with a vicious glare. Bewildered by my sudden reaction, Rosier closed his mouth. "Good morning." She said with a forced smile.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?" I asked and she gave a nod, awared of the looks she was getting from the boys.

"What's going on, My l-I mean Tom?" Malfoy asked, looking surprised. "I like you to meet my girlfriend, Marilyn." I annouced.

The group looked shocked by what I said, and even Hudson's smile faltered. Instinctively, I pulled her closer to me and wrapped my arm around her waist. Though taken aback, she quickly regained her composure and greeted them politely.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you," she said, extending her hand for a shake. However, they did not return the gesture, causing my frustration to mount. Malfoy noticed my irritation and promptly shook her hand, which led the others to do the same.

As the hushed murmurs began to spread like wildfire, I looked at her to see that she was exchanging a heated gaze with Amelia. I leaned in to shield her from Amelia's piercing stare. In that fleeting moment, Hudson's eyes darted toward me, a hint of melancholy evident in her gaze. "Let's go," I said firmly, retrieving her bookbag and grasping her hand, guiding her down an isolated corridor. "Are you holding up alright?" I inquired, and she nodded, not wanting to talk about it.

"Did you not tell Malfoy? He seemed confused to what was happening." She asked me while chuckling.

"I didn't have time to tell him." I told her and she nodded.

"My stomach is grumbling in protest," she lamented. Without further ado, she beckoned me to follow her and began to dash in the opposite direction at quite a pace, leaving me struggling to keep up. "Come on, we only have 15 minutes left." She declared, urging me to hasten my steps as we approached our destination. Taking my hand firmly in hers, she led me to a secluded spot near the Hufflepuff common room, where she unveiled the entrance to the kitchen which was unknown to me.

The house elf scurried with alacrity toward Hudson, and upon reaching her, she stooped down and warmly embraced her. "How are you, Cori?" She queried, a bright smile on her. "This is my friend Cori, and this is Tom," She turned to face me as she introduced me to a house elf.

"Friend? A house elf," I rebuked with a judgmental tone. In response, she furrowed her brow at me disapprovingly and prompted me to show some kindness.

"Cori is delighted that Marilyn has brought a new friend. Would you like some lemon cake." She asked, Hudson nodded, the house elf dashed off to fetch the lemon cake.

"How did you find out the location of the kitchen?" I queried, but she refused from responding. "Are you mad at me?" Her brows knitted together in a frown as she replied, "I am, indeed. How could you possibly say that in front of Cori? Another rule I'd like to add is no disrespecting house elves." I exhaled a sigh and acquiesced with a nod.

Cori presented two slices of cake accompanied by steaming cups of tea. "Cori, this is delicious," Hudson exclaimed. While I took a bite, she inquired, "Do you like it?" "It's okay," I mumbled. My response was met with a smirk. "I know you like it."

After we finished the cake, we proceeded to our Potion class, we were still the first one to arrive. "Good morning," greeted Professor Slughorn as he approached us. We both greeted him. "Rumor has it that the two of you are together," quipped Slughorn, who savored the spreading of gossip of Hogwarts.

I couldn't stand Professor Slughorn's love for gossip and his incessant need to be liked by every student. It was as if he thrived on the rumors and knowledge of others' personal lives. It was clear that Slughorn's popularity with the other students was a priority. In fact, I found the effort to be liked quite annoying. I was drawn to books and knowledge, not shallow conversations about trivial events. While I respected the professor's intelligence, I would never be able to see past his annoying tendencies of gossip and an overwhelming desire to be loved by everyone.

"Yes, we are." I responded while smiling.

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