Chapter Two

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Professor Slughorn let me go because dinner was about to be served. As I entered the great hall, I noticed my friends at the Ravenclaw table. During supper, we were required to sit only at our own table. I waved at them, and they returned the gesture. I didn't have any friends in Slytherin as I was considered a blood traitor. My father, a pureblood, went against his family to marry a muggle- my mother. I also had many muggle friends which made it even difficult to befriend anyone in Slytherin.

I was about to eat when I noticed Riddle and his friends entering the great hall. They didn't seem to be friends, but rather it appeared that Riddle was some sort of leader and they were the followers. They all share the same pureblood ideologies. I sighed when I noticed the only seats available were next to mine. Riddle sat in front of me and gave me a quick glance before moving to engage in a conversation with his 'friends'.

I took out my potion book, revising on the potion we will be learning about. It diverted me from their talk and reduced my sense of loneliness. I studied the textbook and reached for a platter of bread. Someone's hand came into touch with mine. I looked up to see it was Tom's hand I touched. I quickly removed my hand.

I could see his friends looking astonished as he placed the platter in front of me. What's the big deal about that? He merely handed me a plate. I muttered a 'thank you' to which he nodded.


"Oh come on, Tom. You spend so much time on your assignments, just take a break today." I had turned down Amelia's offer three times already, but she persisted. I avert my gaze to see Hudson walking to the library, holding the papers Professor Slughorn had given her before they left.

"Hudson," I called her, she turned and gave me a bewildered expression. I had an opportunity to get away from Amelia now. Amelia turned around to see who I called. I approached Hudson, and she gave me a puzzled look. "I apologize, Amelia. For this year's study group, Professor Slughorn assigned us to pair the students." I said with a smile, attempting to hide my annoyance.

"Oh, well, maybe next time, I guess." She grinned at me and looked at Hudson before walking off. Hudson walked away without seeking an explanation for what just happened. I quietly followed her to the library, not sure why I was following her.

When we arrived, there weren't many students there. Hudson picked a seat in the rear of the library. I chose a random book before sitting next to her.

She was working on the on the Trasfiguration essay about Inanimatus conjurus spell. that I had already completed earlier today. She puts down her quill and looks at me. "Can you please stop staring at me?" she asked, her face irritated.

"Am I distracting you?" I smirked as I put down my book. She frowned and sighed.

"Why wouldn't anyone be when someone is staring at them? Besides I think that you are not here to actually read or to study." She whispered, making sure she doesn't make any noise.

"What makes you think that?" She pointed to the book I'm holding. I looked at the book to see I was holding it upside down.

When I looked up to see her, she was completely amused. Her pink lips curved, and her rosy cheeks glowed. A captivating, irresistible smile on her face spontaneously puts a smile on mine as well. My heart suddenly began to pound. I realized I was smiling so I stopped. "Are you all right?" She asked, snapping her finger. I nodded, looking at anywhere but her.

"So, what brings you here?" She asked, and my gaze returned to her. "I didn't want to accompany Amelia to the hogsmeade." She chuckled, and my heart begins to race once more. I think I am sick, I wanted her to stop laughing instant.

"Sounds like the prefect is scared of getting caught going to the hogsmeade." She said and I rolled my eyes. I didn't want to go to hogsmeade only because I hated Amelia's company, I found her utterly annoying. She didn't believe me.

"What? I am saying the truth." I don't know what I am doing at this point.

"Calm down, I was just teasing you. Since you have nothing to do, let's make the study group. She handed me the namelist, she already assigned some of the students. "You can arrange the students, I will do the rest once I'm done." She said while writing her essay.

I had also joined the study group since it was required for the subject helper to join. I sighed and looked at the list to find out my name was listed next to Amelia. "Why am I paired with Amelia?" I asked while frowning.

She set down her quill and sighed, "Did you see her grade? She requires a tutor who can help her raise her grades for this semester, and whoever is partnered with you always pass. Besides, majority of the students reached out to me and begged me not to pair them with Amelia."

"Why couldn't she be paired with you?" I asked her. She picked up her quill and continued writing her essay. "She doesn't exactly like me." She mumbled while and avoided eye contact with me.

She handed me a list, and I noticed that she hadn't yet been paired with anyone. I considered which name I should pair her with. "Well then, I will pair you with Abraxas," I spoke and she gave me a wide-eyed stare. I smirked, "Is it fine with you?" She clenched her jaw but nodded nonetheless.

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