a machine - ghost

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Though his mask covered his face, it was red and burning with anger. It didn't happen often, but his emotions were controlling him.

She wasn't originally a part of the 141. None of them had actually known her. But they were assigned a mission early on in the formation of the task force and her talents impressed all of them. It had actually been Ghost who had approached Price and Laswell about recruiting her for the team. He was the one to vouch for her.

As he shouted at her on the tarmac he wondered if that had been a mistake.

"You don't feel a thing, do you?" He snapped.

She stared at him, unmoving as he yelled.

"You're a machine, that's what you are." He screamed. "You're just a fucking machine!"

He was breathing heavily from his outburst. All onlookers had disappeared from the area, too scared to be around the radioactive fallout of what was taking place.

She had been staring at his chest all throughout the chastizing. For most of it, he thought she had tuned him out. Ignoring his words.

But when her eyes flickered up to meet his own, he couldn't help the involuntary sharp intake of air. Her eyes were cold, empty, and emotionless. He could feel the cold spread throughout his body.

"Of course, I'm a machine, lieutenant." She stated. His heart pounded in his chest. Her statement took him by surprise. At that moment he realized that all her life she had been seen as a tool, a soldier, a weapon. No one had seen her as a person, so she became what people wanted her to be. "What did you think I was?"

Her question rang and echoed through his head. What had he thought she was? What did he think she is?

"I thought you-" He paused, not knowing what he was going to say. "I thought-" He repeated, trailing off. He wanted to tell her everything. Wanted to tell her that he thought she was special. That he thought she was beautiful and talented and smart. He wanted to tell her that he thought she was worth everything to him.

But he didn't. He couldn't.

He watched her now, regretting his silence. He wondered if she was still angry with him. He wondered what she thought of him.

"Drop in 10 clicks." The pilot announced. Ghost's gaze ripped away from her's and they all started to get ready for the drop.

Ghost's heart was pounding. He was running faster than he ever had before. His lungs were burning but he didn't stop. Adrenaline was running through his veins, burning white fire. She was the only thing on his mind.

Soap was following right on his heels. When she hadn't given an answer to how she was doing they started to panic. Their intel had been bad, just as they expected, but they had been prepared for this.

Price had told them to go check on her. To give her backup. Her silence only meant trouble.

When they reached the top of the hill the two men could see her on her knees. Her arms were raised, almost as if she was surrendering. A guard stood in front of her, a knife in his right hand. They could tell that she had been hurt. She had obviously disarmed him in a fight, but she must have been injured to the point that her position didn't have a good outcome.

Ghost readied his gun and the two teammates stealthily made their way down the hill, making sure to stay hidden and in the shadows. Revealing their location would surely send her to her demise.

When they got closer they could hear the conversation that was taking place.

She was being snarky, sarcasm dripping from her words like venom. She was malicious, the confidence oozing from her aura. The enemy was getting more fed up with her with each word that fell from her lips.

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