"So what do you do in your spare time", Johnny's dad asked you, taking a bite out of his pizza.

"Well when I do have free time which isn't often because of my work I usually sing or paint or something like that"

"Oh so you're an artist", he said to which you nodded answering his question.

"So do you play an instrument", he said, seeming very curious on the subject.

"Yes actually I play the piano"

"Oh really, you know Johnny played the piano a bit when he was a kid"

"Oh really, was he any good", you said looking over at Johnny seeing him bury his face in his hands out of embarrassment.

"Haha, you should have seen him it was like the poor thing was dying", Johnny's dad said laughing his head off.

"Really", you said looking at him and chuckling a bit at how embarrassed he looked.

"Oh my goodness it was so bad we had to stop the lessons", Johnny's dad said wiping the tears from his eyes from laughing so much.

"Johnny you never told me that", you said looking at him.

"I wonder why", he said gesturing to his dad who started busting out laughing again.

After that Johnny's dad calmed down and you guys ended up talking for a couple hours about random stuff. Surprisingly you guys got along well and eventually it was time for bed.

"Johnny do you guys have any extra pillows or blankets", you said after coming out of the bathroom from changing.

"You mean the ones I'm using", Johnny replied from the couch.

"Oh sorry, I just wasn't sure if you wanted me using your pillow and blanket"

"I don't mind if you don't"

"I'm fine with it I was just making sure you were"

"I don't mind, goodnight Y/n"

"Good night Johnny have a good sleep", you said heading to Johnny's room.

"You too!", Johnny called after you.

You opened the door to his room and laid on his bed when you suddenly heard your phone ringing. You checked the caller ID and it read 'Alex', you decided to pick up even though you were still mad at him because you were curious on why he was calling.

"Hello", you said after picking up.

"Hey Y/n, how are you?"

"I'm fine, you?"

"I'm fine, I was just wondering where are you right now?"

"Oh um why do you need to know", you said not wanting to tell him the truth knowing very well he would freak out.

"Because when I asked Eddie he said you were at your parents house and well I'm here right now and your not here, and I know your not at the apartment because I already called your sister, so where are you", he said with a stern voice.

"Ok before I tell you can you promise not to freak out"

"I can't promise that", he replied.

"Well then I can't tell you"

"... fine I promise not to freak out"

"Ok well lets just say I'm at a friends house"

"Y/n", he said raising his voice a little.

"Ok fine I'm at Johnny's house, and before you freak out we're not sleeping in the same room ok, his dad made sure of it", you said trying to reassure him.

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