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"Have you fucked my sister?" I blurted out as soon as he entered the room. "I missed you too Alex," he smiled. "Don't do that, don't smile," I scrunched my eyebrows. "I can assure you I have not fucked your sister," he smiled as he sat down. "How do you know?" I questioned him. He continued to smile. "I have never slept with a Catherine," he replied and I nodded, "or an Alex," he added causing me to finally smile. "Fine," I replied, maybe my sister really was being caring, maybe there are multiple fluffy haired tall boys. Coinsidences happen. "Why did you ask Alex?" he brought me out of my thoughts. "I saw her, like I do every week, told her what happened but then she started asking loads of questions. She asked if I saw a brown, fluffy haired tall agent," I spoke. He looked as intrigued as I did. "What did you say?" he asked. "I lied. I said I never saw you, that the agent I spoke too was a woman," he smiled at my response. "I know I have delicate hands but that's harsh," he smiled. "I think you're incredibly manly dont worry," I smiled back. "Why did you lie to your sister?" he asked. "I guess I'm not that bad of a profiler after all, she was hiding something," I nodded. 

"We can come back to that later but first I have something to show you," he smiled as the door opened. The most sparkly, happy go lucky woman walked in. "Hi, hi hi," she smiled, nervously. "Garcia, this is the famous Alex," I smiled at her and at Spencers introduction. "Alex, this is our amazing tech analysis Penelope Garcia," he smiled. "It's nice to meet you," I smiled politely. She looked extremely confused. "She's not scary," she looked at Reid, "she's really pretty," she smiled back at me. "Sorry, that was rude, you're right there," she sat down with a laptop on her hand. Spencer looked back at me with a sense of something I hadn't seen before. Was he proud that his friend liked me? "Oh she's scary, but she's not a killer," he smiled softly causing me to blush. 

"It's loaded Reid," Garcia spoke after tapping on her laptop for a few seconds. "Okay, Alex, I need you to watch the video and tell me if you filmed it, that's all," he smiled so I returned a nod. I watched as the poor quality video began to play. Two figures were kissing on the screen, it took a few seconds for me to realise what was going on. I swallowed harshly as I watched my now dead best friend beginning to have sex with my father. "I didn't film that," was all I could muster up. "That's good news" Spencer replied but all I could focus on was the growing sick feeling in my stomach. I felt disgusted, I thought when id caught them it was a drunken mistake, a one time thing. But someone knew that it was going on, someone else knew. "It means that there could be someone out there with the same knowledge as you Alex," Spencer smiled but I still couldn't look up.

It had been what felt like forever when I finally looked up. I only looked up as Spencer was called by Hotch. He looked back at me this time before he left, smiling hopefully. "Hi," Garcia's voice was shy. I looked up at her. "Boy wonder out there really wants to fight this for you," she smiled gently. "I know," I tried my best to smile back. "Have hope," she smiled, it was warm and comforting. 

It wasn't long until Spencer came in the room again, accompanied by his boss who had nodded to Garcia to leave. "Alexandra, we ordered that the murder weapon be studied again," Hotch placed down a knife, capsulated in a plastic bag. "Im going to be sick," I replied staring at the knife of dried blood. Spencer quickly held a bin to my face as I emptied my stomach content. "Sorry, it's just I-" Hotch stopped me mid sentence explaining that it's understandable. 

"Alexandra, we had the knife processed and we found something that might help you," Hotch spoke. "Alex, there was another substance dried on the knife, preserved by the blood," Spencer spoke slowly. "Cake," I gulped at his reveal, shaking my head. "Alex, the knife that was used to kill Leighanne, is the knife that was used previously to cut your birthday cake". 

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