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"Alex, I need to know what's really important to you," he breathed, giving up his smirk with a look of honesty. "What if your answer was what is really important to me?" I was the one smirking now. "Then you should know that I'm glad to hear about your romantic situation," he smiled, it was infectious. "For the case," he quickly added, my face tightened once again causing him to laugh. "You're not funny Doctor Reid," I spoke clearly, my face scrunched. "You're the one who was being difficult I'm just following your lead" he smiled softly. "I want to play a game," I smiled sweetly back. "You're being difficult again," he shook his head. "No, you'll like it, I promise," I winked, again he didn't seem phased. "You ask me a question, I'll answer truthfully and then I get to ask you and you answer," I paused looking at him deeply, "honestly," he seemed to think for a second before agreeing, only if he went first. "Tell me about your family Alex," he dragged his teeth across his bottom lip. "That's not a question but I'll let you have it since you're pretty," I smiled, he rolled his eyes. "My dad is a lying cheat, I never want to see him. My mom is in denial and refuses to visit. My sister Catherine is the only one who I see. She tries to visit once a week. She checks on me, on the case, she says she doesn't care what I did," I shrug. "Your sister doesn't believe you?" he asks but I shake my finger. "One question at a time Spence, it's my go," I smirk. "Im single" Spencer interjects before I've even started my question. "Am I that transparent?" I smile, he was correct in his assumptions, that's exactly what I was going to ask. "Your sister doesn't believe you?" He questioned. I shook my head looking down, "I tried to tell her but she said that it doesn't matter," I take in a deep breath, looking back at him. "Do you think I'm pretty Doctor Reid?" I questioned him. "If you need to ask that then maybe you aren't as good at profiling as I thought," he smirked before quickly carrying on. "Were all your immediate family members at your party?" I nodded. "Catherine, she's older than me by two years so I expected she wouldn't stay long but she was there the whole night, my mum didn't leave the bar and my dad well you've already heard," Spencer nodded at my answer. "Have you been in love before Doctor Reid?" I asked, watching his whole body tense at my question, his fists clenched, his thighs tightened against his pants and his jaw bone protruded through his skin. "You have," I whispered slightly. He looked down at the table. "Apart from your dad, was there ever a moment at the party where you wondered where your mum or your sister were?" he asked, breaking the silence. "Not exactly, I mean I assumed they were just around," he nodded again, he still hadn't made eye contact with me since my last question. "What happened to her Spencer?" His head shot up when the door burst open. 

Aaron Hotchner stood in the doorway. "Reid that's enough," he demanded. Spencer looked up making eye contact before standing to leave. "No, No I'm not done," I almost shouted. Spencer didn't turn back after reaching the door, leaving me in the room with Hotchner. "We were talking," I grunted. "You were getting off topic," Hotchner replied calmly. I was anything but calm. "That's not fair, we weren't done," I could feel my eyes beginning to sting, so I quickly looked down. "Why the obsession with Reid?" he questioned me. "Obsession?" I scoffed. "You're wasting time here, time we could be using to help you, instead you're playing games," his tone became louder. "I'm not obsessed," I replied shortly. "Do you want us to help you Alexandra?" he grunted. "Help me? I'm not getting out of here. I'm not an idiot. This is my life, so yes I wanted to talk to him because he's nice and he has a kind face. I took what I could get because this is it for me SSA Aaron Hotchner. It's too late. He's too late." I slumped down breathing heavily, trying to stop my eyes from leaking floods of tears. 

By the time I had got my emotions in check and looked up, he was gone. I was left once again alone. 

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