Peel and wash the pheasant, cut it into small pieces with a knife, and marinate it with spices for half an hour. When the rice grains are completely softened, Jiang Ran stuffs these ingredients into a bamboo tube and uses about two-thirds of it. The leaves are sealed and roasted over the fire.

    Not long after, the seductive fragrance floated out along the cracks in the bamboo tube wall, transpired and diffused all the way, and broke into the nostrils of the three people.

    Ji Fang was the first to show a fascinated expression: "It smells so good! I can already imagine the feeling of the taste of chicken exploding on the taste buds!"

    Fu Bai glared at him: "If you don't say a few words, no one will treat you Be dumb!" With the

    delicious food in front of him, Ji Fang immediately worked harder.

    The construction of the tree house was not bad at first, but once the efficiency was improved, they were finally able to complete the construction when the sun went down.

    As soon as Song came down, Ji Fang couldn't wait any longer.

    He climbed down from the tree, squatted by the fire and watched eagerly. From time to time, he raised his head and asked expectantly, "How long will it take to eat?"

    "Let's wait another ten minutes or so," Jiang Ran glanced at the bamboo tube. "Don't be too impatient, eating a bad stomach is the most taboo thing in the wild."

    "That is to say," Fu Bai whispered beside him, "it seems like I haven't eaten for many years." The

    good-natured Ji Fangwen Yan became impatient, and stretched out his hand to push him: "Stop talking nonsense, and eat your compressed biscuits."

    Fu Bai looked at the compressed biscuits in his hand, but he lost his appetite anyway.

    Obviously, when I was alone yesterday, I didn't feel uncomfortable eating compressed biscuits. What's going on now?

    He was very upset, and this discomfort lasted until Jiang Ran and Ji Fang started eating.

    The rice in the bamboo tube was finally baked, and as soon as the bamboo slices and leaves covering the mouth were peeled away, the faintly visible and haunting aroma burst out like an explosion.

    Ji Fang took a deep breath intoxicated: "Is this aroma poisonous? I feel like I'm going to be addicted."

    Holding the dry compressed biscuit in his hand, Fu Bai couldn't help swallowing.

    When the bamboo tube was just taken off the fire, the shell was still very hot. After it had dried for a while, Ji couldn't wait to start it.

    He was chomping at the delicious fried chicken and rice, and from time to time he made a sound of smacking his mouth: "I was just thinking, why you use bamboo, now I understand!"

    His mouth was full of rice, and he couldn't even speak vaguely. Qing: "The fragrance of the bamboo paper melts into the rice... the first time I saw it..."

    "Eat slowly," Jiang Ran persuaded him with a smile, "don't choke yourself."

    Fu Bai was sour Not much to say: "Is it that delicious?"

    He said angrily and took a bite of the compressed biscuit, but he almost knocked off his tooth with too much force.

    "Take it easy, too," Jiang Ran patted him on the shoulder, "You have to soak the compressed biscuits in water before eating them."

    Fu Bai had no choice but to take out the metal can filled with water, and angrily stuffed the compressed biscuits into it. in the water.

    At the same time, the mood of the audience in the live broadcast room was probably similar to that of Fu Bai.

    [Friends, have you ever seen this cooking method? ]

    [I haven't seen it...but it looks really delicious. I've just eaten, but I'm still hungry]

    A series of echoing voices swiped several screens in succession.

    However, it didn't take long before another different voice appeared.

    [Come on, didn't Jiang Ran just want to set up a person who is an expert in field survival and an expert in ancient earth knowledge? When who can't see it? ]

    [+1, as for blowing it like this? Does anyone still remember the incident where the popular science wild boar allusion was slapped in the face on the spot? ]


    After all, Jiang Ran has a black history, and as soon as the bullet screens mocking her increased, those who praised her before saw the momentum, and gradually became afraid to speak out, and the bullet screens became a sea of ​​sunspots again.

    But after defeating the anaconda to save people, directing the construction of a tree house, and making rice in bamboo tubes, she finally has a small audience. This can't make her reputation go straight up, and it will always make her popularity not drop so badly.

    Jiang Ran glanced at his popularity value, which was almost stable at minus 10 million, and turned off the live broadcast room.

    There is still a long way to go to win the first place in this competition.

    "That..." Fu Bai asked hesitantly suddenly, "Are you full?"

    "What's wrong?" Jiang Ran asked with raised eyebrows.

    "I see you haven't eaten for a long time..." Fu Bai said, "It's not a good habit to waste, why don't I help you with the rest?"

    The author has something to say:

    [Small Theater]

    Ji Fang: Suck~

    Jiang Ran: Hiccup—

    Fu Bai: It’s fine if you can’t eat delicious food, you guys play a symphony for me :)

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