Chapter 22.

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Lucy and the boys helped me pack up my things and we then left the hospital. When we got downstairs we were swarmed by hundreds of fans, reporters and journalists. We gradually made out way through them, I got in photos with fans even though there were cuts on my face I still couldn't say no to them. They all looked so happy to hear that I was doing ok, we eventually made it over to the car and I sat beside Lucy who was holding Leigh. It was only us two in the car because the rest of the boys were still smiling and taking selfies with the fans. Lucy placed Leigh into my arms, I couldn't help but smile when I looked into his little green eyes. 'He's the image of you' she smiled.
'but he has your gorgeous big green eyes' I smiled back.
She blushed 'you have green eyes too they're definitely your eyes' she laughed.
We sat there talking and laughing as we waited patiently for the other boys.
'How are you feeling?' Lucy asked me.
'Don't worry about me, How are you feeling?' I replied.
'Em Bren I wasn't the one in a car crash but once you're doing ok I'm doing ok' she said looking at the ground.
We were then joined by Cian, Ryan and Josh in the car. Dayl and Dean were still out meeting fans. I suggested that we dropped Leigh over to my mam and Dad so they could spend some time with their new grandson while the rest of us went out and did something.
'We could go to a nightclub?' I suggested.
Everyone looked at me confused. 'You're just out of hospital man' Cian said looking at me.
'ah sure it'll be grand' I laughed. Everyone laughed at me. We arrived at where my mam and Dad were staying and dropped Leigh off, they were so happy to be spending time with him. Lucy went back to her house and we went back to our hotel. We organised to pick her up at 7, it was 4:30 now. 'See you at 7' I said Pecking her forehead before she got out.
'See you's later' she smiled.
We continued on to the hotel to get ready for our night out.

The boys dropped me off and it was time for me to get ready, I jumped in the shower. After my shower I started doing my make up, I hadn't worn make up in like the last month so I said I would go all out and make it look amazing. After 45 minutes I was finally happy with the result. I actually looked kind of pretty for once, I am usually a negative person and never see anything good about myself but tonight was different. I dried and straightened my hair while I clipped the loose bits of my fringe into a quiff. I walked to my wardrobe and decided to wear a black bralet with a flowery skater skirt and black platforms. It was 6:55 at I quickly sprayed perfume on myself and got a clutch placing some powder, a hairbrush and my money into it. I kept my phone in my hand so I would know when the boys were here. The doorbell rang, I quickly walked down stairs trying not to fall. I opened the door to see Brendan standing there, I stood there staring at him. He looked amazing. He was standing there with a shirt, a blazer and jeans and his hair in almost a quiff. He stood there staring at me. I heard a wolf whistle from the car and heard Dayl and Cian scream 'You look hot Lucy'. Brendan turned back and laughed at them, 'you really do' he smiled.
'So do you' I smiled back.
I got in the car and the boys informed me that we weren't actually going to a club but that we were going to an award night they were invited to with Louis Walsh. There would be fans there and loads of celebrities they informed me. We pulled up outside the venue and there were hundreds of people there, the boys were being interviewed while I stood at the side on my own very awkwardly. I felt a hand tip my shoulder, I turned around and there stood Niall Horan. 'I've never seen you around here before' he smiled.
I stood there in shock like Niall Horan was actually talking to me.
'I've never been here before' I laughed.
'What's a gorgeous girl like you doing here on your own anyway?' He said holding his hand out to greet me.
'I'm just waiting for hometown to be interviewed.' I laughed.
I turned around to see where the boys were but they had already went in.
'Looks like they left you' Niall laughed.
I stood there awkwardly, I didn't know what to do.
'Sure I'll go in with you' Niall suggested.
We walked up to the entrance of the awards. There were lots of people taking pictures of me and Niall, I can't believe this is happening I thought to myself. Just as me were walking up the steps I slipped and Niall caught my hand stopping me from falling. I smiled and thanked him, 'No bother' he laughed in his thick Mullingar accent.

We got into the awards and hometown were nowhere to be seen so I sat with Niall. As we were talking he took my phone and put his number into it. We then took a few selfies and got a few photos from some paparazzi walking around the event. I was having such an amazing night. At the end of the night I seen Dean, I called him over and he ran over to me. 'We were looking for you all night' he laughed. I said goodbye to Niall and walked over with Dean meeting the rest of the boys. We walked outside and there were still lots of fans there. 'There's Niall horans girlfriend' one screamed.
All the boys looked at me confused, I was as confused as them.
'They must have gotten mixed up' I laughed.
We got into the car and the boys all decided to check Twitter for photos of themselves at the event. We were all talking, I noticed Brendan was being quiet.
'what's wrong Bren?' I asked him.
He just ignored me. I looked at the other boys confused.
'Why are you ignoring me?' I asked again.
He held his phone out that showed an article that read 'Niall Horan turns up at Irish award show hand in hand with some mysterious girl' and then showed the picture of us walking up the steps when I tripped.
'Why would you do that to me?' He screamed.
'I didn't do anything Brendan, I fell and he grabbed my hand to stop me from falling that's all. You's left me so I was stuck with him it's not my fault' I replied.
'I should have known you were gonna do this to me' I said.
'I think you're forgetting you're the one who cheated on me, I done nothing to you.' I screamed. As soon as I said it I regretted it, his face dropped. Along with the other boys.
'Fuck this' I said getting out of the car.
I had no idea where I was I just knew that I needed to get away from Brendan.

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