Chapter 36.

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It was the day of Lucy's wedding. All the boys had gone but I couldn't bare to watch that. I sat there rereading the invitation in my head, this can't be happening. I hate the thought of the 2 of them together. I checked my phone and noticed a message from Dean. I know he was the reason me and Lucy broke up but we have put all that behind us. I found it hard to forgive him and I still don't think I'll ever be able to trust him again but he has always been there for me.
The message read 'Hey man you coming today? Even just show your face and you can leave after'.
I thought about going, after thinking everything through I decided to go. I walked over to my wardrobe and took out a pair of skinny blue jeans, a blazer and a shirt. I got myself ready and took a final look in the mirror before I left, I sighed 'You can do this Bren' I quietly said to myself. I took my keys off my locker and walked out to my car.

I reached the hotel and thought about going up to see Lucy and then leave. I walked to reception and found out Lucy's room number. I nervously walked up the corridor as her room number quickly approached. I finally reached the room numbered 273, my heart was beating fast and I could feel butterflies in my stomach. I hadn't been this nervous since my first date with her. I knocked on the door and stood there waiting for the door to open. After a few seconds it opened and there stood Lucy. She had her make up done perfectly and had her hair in rollers while wearing a pair of Micky mouse pj shorts and t shirt, she stood there staring at me not saying anything.
After a few minutes silence I broke the silence by quietly saying 'I thought I'd drop by just to say congratulations'.
'T...thanks Bren' she murmured.
She reached out and gave me a hug 'It really means a lot that you came' she whispered. I couldn't find anything to say I just stood there hugging her back. After a few minutes we both pulled away, I just looked at the ground. 'So I guess I'll be going now' I murmured.
'Are you not staying?' She asked curiously.
'I thought I could manage it but after seeing you I realised I can't.' I said quietly as I turned to walk down the corridor.
Lucy reached out and grabbed my arm, 'Bren you were the one who slept with another girl, you were the one who stopped loving me so why can't you bare to see me happy' she exclaimed.
I turned around to face her, 'Lucy that was the biggest mistake of my life. And I never stopped loving you, I told you before I always have and I always will love you.'
She turned around and walked back into her room 'I can't do this now Bren' she said while walking into the room.
'Can't do what?' I asked.
'I can't see you now. I'm marrying Daire in less than an hour and right now all the feelings I've ever had for you just came rushing back. I can't marry Daire when I'm feeling this way about you so I need to go' she said while going to close the door.
'Then don't marry him' I said as I stopped her from closing the door.
'Are you joking?' She said as she opened the door slowly.
'I can't just do that Bren'. I could see that tears started to form in her eyes.
'Well what feels right?' I asked.
'That's the thing Brendan, I don't know.'

I was hoping for a different answer but I was just hoping that maybe she would reconsider marrying Daire. I sound selfish but I didn't want that to happy but on the other hand I did still want her to be happy.
'Lucy I'm sorry I messed everything up by coming here, I hope you do whatever it is that makes you happy.' I said as I turned and walked away.

I reached my house and I immediately got changed into a tracksuit and sat on my couch and decided to turn Netflix on. My phone beeped and it was a message from Lucy 'I'm sorry Brendan but I have to marry Daire' it read. This message crushed me. I felt tears forming in my eyes but I done my best to hold them back but it didn't work. I sat there remembering everything we had gone through and how I had just lost her. I sat on the couch crying to myself. After about an hour of watching the inbetweeners I heard a knock on my door. I decided not to open in as I wasn't in the mood of company, after a few minutes there was another knock and then another until I finally gave in and walked to the door. I reached for the handle and slowly pulled open the door. It was Lucy.
'I couldn't do it' she said as she looked at me.

I lost my heart to a Galway boyWhere stories live. Discover now