Chapter 21.

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Brendan lay there in the hospital bed in front of us not moving. He was hooked up to several different machines and he had an oxygen mask on. There were cuts all over his face and he hasn't woken up or moved in 7 days. I sat in the room with the rest of the hometown boys and Brens mam and Dad. There was silence, none of us knew what to say we were all just in shock. I feel like this is my fault, I should have went with him. He asked but if I said no, if I went this wouldn't have happened. The doctor came in and told us that we should all take a few minutes to talk to him on our own. Brendan's mam went first followed by his Dad, then Cian, Josh, Dayl, Ryan, Dean and then me. We all sat waiting to go in for our turn, Dean walked out and signalled that it was my turn. I walked in and closed the door and sat in the chair beside his bed. I grabbed his hand and held it in mine, I felt tears form in my eyes as his body just lay there not responding. 'I'm sorry Brendan, I should have went with you. If I did this wouldn't have happened you its all my fault. You can't leave me please you need to pull through, I can't do this without you' I sobbed as I held his hand tighter. There was a knock on the door, Dean opened the door quietly as he stood there with our baby in his arms. 'I thought he should meet his daddy' he said as he placed him in my arms.
'Thank you Dean' I said looking up at him.
He walked back out the door and into the hall. I placed our sons hand in Brendan's hand. 'This is your daddy' I said quietly as I sobbed. The rest of the boys and Frank and Julianne walked into the room. We all stood around him for a few minutes, the sound of his heart monitor echoed in my head until it started beeping fast. I looked at Brendan and seen his body move, everyone looked around the room at each other with a surprised look on their face. All of a sudden Brendan opened his eyes, he looked at everyone and just said 'Well'. We all smiled and greeted him, he looked at me sitting their with our son. I could see tears form in his eyes 'Is that him?' He asked.
I smiled 'Yep and he's the image of you'.
Brendan sat himself up a bit while talking to everyone and I then place our son in his arms. His face lit up when he seen him.
'so what are you's gonna call him?' Dean asked from the corner of them room.
I looked and Brendan and smiled 'it's up to you'.
He looked down and then back up at me, 'what about Leigh?'.
'Of course' I smiled.
We all sat with Brendan talking to him for a couple of hours. It would be a few days until he would get out of hospital but we were all just happy that he was ok! I decided I would stay with Bren in the hospital, Dean volunteered to look after Leigh for the night. I trust him obviously so I agreed. They all said their goodbyes and left, they said they would be back the following day around 12. I sat in the chair next to Brendan's bed and just talked to him. We talked until 4 in the morning and decided to go asleep. I tried to get comfortable in my chair but Brendan made space and told me to lie beside him. I did and he rested his head on my shoulder and fell asleep.
The next morning we were woken to all the boys coming back in. They sat down and handed us food they had bought for us in the shop on the way over.
'So when do you's go back to London?' I asked scared for the response.
'We don't have to go back, well we do but not permanently. Like we will be going over for recording and stuff but that's it we aren't living there' Josh said as a huge grin filled his face.
We started talking about everything the boys had achieved in the space of 12 months. I took out my phone and checked Twitter, I seen that my mentions were spammed I clicked into it and noticed Cian had tweeted a picture of me and Brendan asleep this morning and tagged us. There were a lot of tweets concerned about Brendan and asking why Brendan was in hospital so I thought I would inform them. Not that anyone would probably care what I tweeted but I thought it would be worth a shot. 'Thank you everyone for your tweets, Brendan was in a car accident but he will be fine the doctors are just keeping an eye on him. Xx' my mentions immediately started blowing up again with tweets of relief. I scrolled down my homepage and seen a tweet Brendan had just tweeted. It was a picture of me holding Leigh and the caption was 'My world in one photo, my beautiful son and my amazing girlfriend. I love them more than I can ever put into words' this made me smile. I looked at Bren and just smiled, I grabbed his hand like I had done the previous day. 'I love you' I smiled.
He smiled back at me 'I love you too.'

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