Chapter 3.

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Me and Lucy walked to the lobby of the hotel. I looked out and seen a few fans outside, Lucy turned to me and said 'I'm your cousin I know the drill' and Winked. I laughed and we walked outside, I got pictures and talked to fans for a little while and then continued over to a taxi with Lucy. I couldn't stop myself staring at her she looked beautiful. We were like best friends, I knew she didn't feel the same way I felt but I couldn't tell her how I felt it would ruin everything. All the boys knew how I felt.

We reached the cinema and decided to go see unfriended. I didn't like horror films but tonight I had to act like the brave man because Lucy likes these kind of movies. We sat down and after a few minutes I could tell Lucy was starting to get scared, she jumped and grabbed my hand. I laughed and put my arm around her as she cuddled into me trying to hide her face from the film. Being here with her made me so happy, I loved spending time with her. I wanted to tell her how I felt but I couldn't, I knew it would ruin everything.

After the film we walked out and went to nandos, we sat and joked about how scared she got during the film. We talked about everything and got to know each other even better then we did before. We discussed what me and the boys would be doing for the next few months, 'well we have Childline, Panto and we have to record our music video in the next few months' I replied.
'You's are getting so big so quick' she replied, 'better not forget about us when you're famous' she laughed.
'Hmm I'll see' I joked.
'Oh be like that then Murray' she replied looking offended. I scooted over to the other side of the booth where she was sitting and pulled her in for a hug 'I could never forget you' I assured her as I kissed her forehead. She looked at me and smiled.

Before we returned to the hotel we decided to go on a walk around the City. As we walked up and down the streets of Dublin I was spotted a few times by a few fans, some asked Lucy if she was like Girlfriend to which she smiled at me and replied 'nope I'm just his cousin' leaving the fans slightly embarrassed. It was 11pm and my phone lit up as I got a message from Dean 'I hope you's two won't be out all night lol, we are up early for a photoshoot tomorrow' it read. After this we decided to go back to the hotel, Dean decided that Lucy was going to stay with him and Ryan tonight as her parents were gone away for a few weeks and he didn't like the thought of her being in her house alone. I walked her back to the 2 boys hotel room, before she knocked she looked up at me and thanked me for the night.
'I had a really nice time with you Bren' she smiled.
I loved when she called me Bren, I leaned down and hugged her. I felt her grip get tighter as we continued to hug. I began to think.
She went to knock on the door as I walked away, before she did I quickly walked back grabbed her hand and shouted 'LUCY WAIT I NEED TO TELL YOU SOMETHING'...

I lost my heart to a Galway boyWhere stories live. Discover now