Chapter 18.

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I knew I fucked up. I lost the only girl I've ever loved, the girl who constantly made me happy, the girl who was gonna be the mother to my child. I don't know why I did what I did, it meant nothing. I felt nothing but guilt when I did it. Now Lucy, Cian, Dean and the rest of the boys hate me. I'm staying with Erika for the moment, Cian broke up with Erika and obviously Lucy broke up with me. I sat in what was Lucy's room, she had photo frames filled with pictures of the 2 of us. I sat there on her bed admiring them, my head was all over the place. Everyone hated me and there was nothing I could do to fix it, I thought about things long and hard before I typed Louis number into my phone. The phone rang for a minute until I heard Louis voice, 'Brendan how are you?' He said enthusiastically.
'Hey Louis, I just thought you should know I'm leaving hometown and going back to Tuam.' I replied back down the phone.

I walked to the shopping centre near my house to get some bits for the house, I had left everything in London and there was no way I was ever going back there. I don't care what they do with any of it. I walked passed my local spar and seen a headline on one of the newspapers. 'Louis Walshes new boyband sensation Hometown in trouble as member quits' it read. It caught my attention and I quickly walked over to see who it was. 'Brendan Murray who is 18 and from Tuam, Co Galway made the decision to leave Hometown and return to Ireland leaving thousands of girls heartbroken.', I was shocked. I was angry at him but I still thought I should call him. I typed his number into my phone nervously. The phone rang until I heard a strong Galway accent on the other side.
'Hello?' He said confused.
'Are you okay?' I asked quickly.
'You know I'm not..' He said quietly.
'Bren why are you leaving hometown? Your dream was to be in hometown and become famous and that's happening for you now so why quit?' I asked.
'The boys hate me and I lost you. Becoming famous and having all the money in the world won't make me as happy as you make me'.
'Why would you kiss Erika then?' I asked.
There was silence. 'I don't know Lucy, it meant nothing. There were no feelings there and I felt nothing. You're the only one I love and I will always love you, whether you hate me or not.' He said gently.
'This isn't the kind of thing we should talk about over the phone. Will we meet up whenever you're back and talk about it?' I asked.
'Do you really want to?'.
'Do you wanna come to Tuam tomorrow, I'll collect you from the train station and we can talk?' He asked.
'Ok see you then' I said while hanging up the phone. I was nervous to see Brendan. I hate fighting with him but I can't get over the fact he would kiss Erika and the fact Erika would kiss him too. I checked Twitter. I seen been had tweeted 'I lost the girl I love, I fucked up and I can't do anything about it. The only word to describe me is heartbroken.' This made me upset, he seemed sorry but how can I be sure he wouldn't do it to me again? I hate feeling like this. All I want is to hug Brendan.

It was the next day and I was on my way to the train station. I hoped on the train that read Galway. I put my earphones in and my music on shuffle. Where I belong came on. I sat there quietly bopping to myself. It was 3 hours later and I pulled into Galway, I got off the train and looked for Brendan. I seen him standing at the gate beside the platform, as much as I was annoyed at him all I wanted to do was run up and kiss him. He was on his phone, I kept my earphones in as I slowly walked over to him. He looked up from his phone and looked at me, it was obvious he was feeling the same way I was. Neither of us knew what to do. I started thinking to myself, I understand he cheated on me but at the end of the day we are having a kid together and I do not want our son to grow up without both parents in his life we can get over this. I love him too much to let him go. After this thought I though 'fuck it' as I ran up to Brendan and hugged him. He immediately hugged me back. I buried my face in his shoulder and just stood there for a few minutes, I lifted my head from his shoulder and looked at him. My arms were wrapped around his neck while his arms were wrapped around my waist. I leaned in and our lips met, then our tongues met. We stood there for a few minutes before pulling away, 'I'm so sorry Lucy I love you and I can't loose you' he informed me.
I said nothing but just smiled, 'I love you too'. Brendan grabbed my hand and decided to bring me home to meet his mam and dad. 'Brendan no I can't what if they don't like me' I said worryingly.
'They will love you' Brendan assured me.
'Do they know about me being pregnant?' I asked looking down at my obvious enough bump.
'Yes that's why you need to meet them' he smiled.

We reached Brendan's house and of course Brendan didn't have a key so we stood there waiting to be let in. Brendan's dad opened the door and greeted us, 'You must be Lucy, I'm Frank' he said introducing himself.
He brought us in and the 2 of us sat down on the couch, shortly after Brendan's mam and dad walked in and joined us. I stood up as Brendan's mam introduced herself. Her eyes landed on my bump 'oh my god!!! I can't believe we are gonna be grandparents' she said looking over at Frank. I smiled at the two of them. Brendan held onto my hand 'We are having a boy' he said smiling over to his parents.
Their faces lit up, they looked so happy. After a few hours of talking to them they suggested I stayed there, I told them I had no stuff with me and they said to just borrow one of Brens big jerseys and I'll be fine. They were both so lovely, I walked up stairs with Bren. He closed his bedroom door and turned around me to 'They both absolutely love you' he smiled walking towards me.
'Really?' I replied.
'Yeah, they know how happy you make me so they love you for that. I was in a bad way before I met you and now I've changed all because of you' he said while kissing my forehead.
Bad way? What does he mean by that he never told me...

I lost my heart to a Galway boyWhere stories live. Discover now