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It was the third week of training and Y/n had already passed two tests.

This morning, Y/n woke up to find her period had started so without thinking, she fell asleep again, not caring about her or training or anything in the world.

Lisa had waited for about three hours at the training center, leaving multiple calls and messages for Y/n but Y/n didn't reply.

Lisa tutted and got up to leave the training center as it was closing.

Lisa wasn't mad that Y/n took a day off but she was mad that Y/n didn't inform her nor pick her calls up. So, now she was driving to Y/n's house, being furious.

Y/n had woken up a hour ago and her phone was dead so, she let it be and she was casually filing her nails.

Lisa barged into Y/n's room, shutting the door behind her and Y/n's eyes widened in surprise and then it hit her.

She missed training today.

"Where were you?" Lisa asked, sternly and Y/n looked down, not daring to look up, Y/n was scared that Lisa would kill her.

Lisa noticed that Y/n lowered her head and Lisa chuckled "Look at me." Lisa ordered and Y/n immediately obeyed, looking up at her.

Lisa lightly laughed "It's funny, you know" Lisa said, walking to Y/n's bed and sitting on the edge.
"What's funny?" Y/n asked and Lisa motioned her to stand in front of her and Y/n obeyed, standing in front of Lisa.

Lisa pulled Y/n's collar and observed her eyes and Y/n yelped at her action.
"You're training to become the world's most feared Mafia leader and yet, You're so scared of me" Lisa said with a teasing smile and Y/n's cheeks went bright red, as she realized, Lisa wasn't lying.

"You're that scared to make me mad?" Lisa asked and Y/n shyly nodded and Lisa laughed. "You're adorable" Lisa said hugging Y/n and leaving.

Y/n stood there, expression less, as she had zero idea of what just happened.

Y/n didn't think much of it and went back to filing her nails, while Lisa couldn't stop herself from laughing at how taken a back Y/n looked.

"H-hi Lisa" Y/n said, shyly waving at Lisa as she entered the training room
Lisa chuckled and got up from the desk, where she was working on different types of codes for Y/n.

"Hi baby" Lisa said, smiling and Y/n's cheeks went red once again and she rolled her eyes to show Lisa that she was annoyed by what she said.

Lisa shook her head, smiling to her self and gestured towards the computer.
"Our 3rd task, hacking, In this task, you need to be able to hack a system in less then 5 minutes" Lisa said as Y/n nodded, sitting down on the chair.

"Here are some of the codes, I'll show you how once slowly and then from then, You're going to practice yourself, Got it?" Lisa spoke and Y/n nodded, looking at the computer closely as Lisa started hacking the computer.

After a while, Y/n got the hang of it too but she could hack the system in maximum 7 minutes, which was not bad but she wouldn't pass like that so, she had to practice at home and at the center to improve her skills.

Finally, it was the day of the test.
Y/n gulped as she walked in and sat at the desk, performing operations.

Y/n felt as if an hour as passed by as she clicked the computer mouse and key pads as quickly as she can.

Y/n's felt her self worry as she couldn't remember the last code for the last operation.
With much hesitation, Y/n typed out a code.

It let her through.
Y/n passed the test!

Y/n smiled as her eyes went wide, she got up to look at the three people observing her and Lisa gave her a thumbs up and Jackson and Namjoon flashed a smile.

Y/n really didn't expect that but Y/n didn't expect Lisa to kiss her on the cheeks either.
Y/n stood there expression less for a second and Lisa got worried and Jackson and Namjoon immediately left after sensing the awkwardness.

Y/n came back to reality to see a worried looking Lisa and Y/n flashed her a toothy smile and pecked her cheeks and ran away.

Lisa stood there shocked "y/n!! Wait for me!!" Lisa said running behind Y/n but Y/n didn't listen and ran away into her car and drove away, giggling to herself.

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