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Lisa sat at the table with her parents and brother, they all were eating their food in silence.

Lisa's father broke the silence "Frank passed away yesterday" He said and Lisa's mother laughed "thank god, now his gang is ruined since they don't have a son" She said and Lisa's father shaked his head "No, Y/n, his daughter is taking his position" Gwen, Lisa's father said and Marie, Lisa's mother gasped "A girl?!" She asked and Lisa looked at her mother "Mom!" Lisa said with disappointment and Marie apologized quickly.

"Sorry dad but, who's Frank?" Jungkook, Lisa's brother asked and Gwen blinked and then said "Your uncle" Jungkook nodded "So, he's your brother?" Jungkook asked "Was, he's no more" Gwen said calmly and Jungkook nodded.

The atmosphere was very unpleasant, the once peaceful and comfortable silence being replaced by it.

"Lisa, you're training his daughter" Gwen said, hurriedly and Lisa choked on her food "Dad, you know that I don't train girls" Lisa said and her father sighed "just do it, it'll be easier since she's a girl" Gwen said and Lisa stopped eating "But, why? She can find some other trainer" Lisa said and her mother nodded "Yeah, Lisa's right, just because it's a rule for the position holder's brother to take care of the family doesn't mean you actually-" Marie spoke but Gwen cut her off "Shutup! Don't say stuff, when it isn't needed and Lisa, just do it, he's my brother, I own him something anyways" Gwen said, wiping his face with a napkin and getting up to leave.

Lisa was roaming through the floors of a mall, getting gifts for Imogen and Minnie, she easily knew all the things her aunt liked, fabrics and things for sewing and Minnie was a teenage girl, so she got her clothes and jewelry.

Lisa was walking through the makeup aisle and she came across all the lipsticks.

"Hi! I'm Lisa" A girl said with shoulder length black hair "Y-y/n" the girl with a pixie cut said, shyly.

"So, what do you like to do?" Y/n asked and Lisa smiled "Shooting" and Y/n backed away "W-with guns?" Y/n asked and Lisa nodded "you?" And Y/n smiled "I like makeup and fashion, come let me do your makeup" Y/n said, dragging Lisa to her room.

"This is my favorite lipstick, it's called peach cloud, you should be honored that I'm using it on you" Y/n said and Lisa nodded.

"Bye Jiggles" Y/n said laughing and Lisa rolled her eyes "don't call me that and Bye" Lisa said hugging Y/n and then quickly pecking her cheek, Y/n's eyes widened as her cheeks grew pink.


Lisa smiled at the memory her mind was playing, she quickly grabbed the peachy lipstick off the shelves.

Lisa sighed, she'll meet Y/n after uncountable years, she wonders if she has changed or not.


Y/n gulped as she opened the envelope.
She unfolded the paper inside and read what was written.

"To whoever my position is given too, I have a mission for you.
You see,
When my son was born, I stopped all of this gang mafia stuff but I started again when my son got kidnapped by one of my rivals.
From then to this day, I've been searching for the kidnapper, but I never found him, I don't even know if my son is alive or dead.
So, please just find the kidnapper so my soul could rest in peace"

Y/n's breath hitched as she read what her father had left, her eyes teared up as she realized her father was never the wrong person.

Y/n couldn't believe her eyes, she had a brother, and who knows where he was right now.

Y/n got her breathing even and wiped her tears "I promise Dad, I'll find him for you" Y/n said, her voice cracking within every word.

"Y/n-" Imogen said stepping into her room and then gasping at seeing her daughter in that state "Y/n? Baby, why are you crying?" Imogen asked, sitting beside her bed and Y/n handed the paper to her mother.

Without even opening the paper, Imogen assumed Y/n was crying over her position "Oh Y/n, You don't have to do this, it's okay, Gwen could take care of all of us, don't worry" Imogen said holding her daughter close to her.

"No, I want to find who took my brother, Mom" Y/n and Imogen gasped "How do you know?" Imogen asked and Y/n eyed the paper and Imogen quickly unfolded it and read it and then sighed.

"I'll find whoever it is, mom" Y/n said and Imogen nodded "So, Dad could be at peace" Imogen nodded.

"I arranged a trainer for you" Imogen said and Y/n nodded "who is it?" Y/n asked.

"Lisa Manoban"

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