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"My cousin? I haven't seen her in years" Y/n said and Imogen nodded, getting up
"12 years to be exact" Imogen said and Y/n's eyes widened.

"Well, she'll arrive tomorrow morning so, go to sleep" Imogen said, turning off the lights and shutting the door.

Y/n sighed and turned her lamp on and stared at her stuffed animal "Mr bear, do you think Lisa has changed? She was always into shooting so, I see how she's my trainer" Y/n rambled about Lisa to her bear.

Y/n hugged her bear closer to her chest and sighed "I wonder if I'll be able to use the gun.. Just thinking of it makes me want to be little, but I can't cause you know Mr bear" Y/n said, staring at the ceiling and then closing her eyes "I just.. hope, I can do this well" Y/n said falling asleep.


Y/n heard someone shouting her name and then she felt weight drop on her body.

Y/n grimaced and opened her eyes, rubbing them with her balled fists, only to be met by Lisa's face.

"AHHH" Y/n screamed and hid her face behind her bear, Lisa laughed, getting up from Y/n "You haven't changed one bit, you have the same hairstyle and still sleep with stuffed animals" Lisa said, trying to control her laughter.

Y/n rolled her eyes, getting up as well "What a way to greet me" Lisa said as she saw Y/n walking to the bathroom.

Y/n sighed and ran up to Lisa, hugging her and hiding her face in Lisa's chest, Y/n looked up and smiled "Hi, Jiggles" Y/n sneered and Lisa shook her head, immediately letting go of Y/n.

"Don't call me that" Lisa said with a scowl and Y/n laughed "Jigglesss" Y/n said as she stuck her tongue out.

"If you guys are done acting like 6 year olds so, please do come downstairs because Mom has made breakfast" Minnie said leaning on the door and Lisa and Y/n both laughed.

Lisa nodded walking away with Minnie while Y/n got ready for the day.

Y/n walked into her bathroom and looked at her reflection in the mirror and squealed.
"How'd she get so hot??" Y/n asked herself and shook her head and got ready.

Y/n walked downstairs and walked to the dining table and sat down next to Lisa.

Lisa was chewing on her fried omelette when Y/n sat down next to her.

"Thank you so much for all the gifts, Lisa. It really means a lot" Imogen said, sitting down at the table and Lisa smiled "No worries Auntie, You're literally like my mother and Minnie is my sister" Lisa said and Y/n looked at her sceptically.

"Where's my gift?" Y/n questioned and Minnie laughed "Ha! Lisa didn't get you anything" Minnie said and Lisa shook her head "I got you something but, it's for later" Lisa whispered into Y/n's ear and Y/n's cheeks grew red.

Lisa and Y/n were walking outside in the garden, chatting and catching up with each other.

Lisa pulled a box out of her pocket and gave it to Y/n "Here" Lisa said, giving the box and Y/n smiled and quickly opened it.

Y/n's smiled dropped once she saw what was inside "peach cloud?" Y/n questioned and Lisa nodded "your favorite color, right?" Lisa asked upon seeing Y/n's sad face.

Y/n didn't like the lipstick anymore, not one bit but, she didn't want to show that to Lisa. So, she put a smile on her face.

Y/n nodded and smiled "Yeah, I love it, thank you so much" Y/n said and hugged Lisa. But, Lisa knew something was off.

"Well, then put it on" Lisa said, testing Y/n and Y/n uncapped the lipstick and applied it on to her lips, smiling at Lisa, after doing so.

Lisa smiled once she saw Y/n put it on "so, when should we start training?" Lisa asked and Y/n looked at her "tomorrow, it's not like you have a gun with you right now so, we can-" Y/n stopped talking and gasped when she saw Lisa taking a pistol out of her pocket "Do you always have that on you?" Y/n asked and Lisa nodded "never know when you'll stumble upon your rival" Lisa said holding the pistol and Y/n backed away.

Lisa laughed "you're the daughter of the biggest mafia gang leader and you're scared of a gun?" Lisa asked and Y/n nodded and Lisa laughed again.

"Come, I'll teach you how to shoot and aim" Lisa said, giving Y/n the gun and holding her hands from Y/n's back and straightening her posture and aim.

"Ready?" Lisa asked as her breath was fanning Y/n's neck and Y/n hesitantly nodded.

"1.. 2..3..Shoot!" Lisa said as Y/n pulled the trigger and then immediately dropped the pistol.

The bullet fortunately didn't hit anyone.
Lisa picked up the pistol to put it back in her pocket.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Lisa asked worriedly as she saw tears in Y/n's eyes.

There was a slight problem.
Y/n had slipped into little space.

"M sorry.." Y/n lisped and Lisa's eyes widened.

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