Part 44: A life changing party

Start from the beginning

"Well, some of the older students swiped a few couches and chairs from offices of past professors. I think one of them is Binns's," Scorpius told her.

"I'm going to find Hunter," Shannon told them, and soon the other girls had all dispersed, as had Justin and Lars, leaving Lily and Scorpius by themselves. There was a bit of an odd silence between them. A familiar heat and tension.

"So, where's Scamander?" Scorpius asked, clearing his throat.

"He's not coming," Lily said quietly. She knew he could hear her over the music.

"Does that bug you?" he asked.

Lily gulped. "No. Actually . . . it's kind of liberating."

Scorpius smirked again. "Good. Because tonight is all about fun," he murmured. He took her hand. "Come on. We'll get a drink, a bite to eat, and then we'll dance."

It wasn't long before Lily ended up on the dance floor, but it wasn't just Scorpius she danced with. She danced with the girls, was passed off from a few different boys, not that Lily really cared. She was having way too much fun to care. And besides, she always seemed to end up back in Scorpius's arms. And how could she ever worry in his arms? Especially when he was so warm that every time he held her waist or her hips, an incredible warmth wrapped around her like a thick and cozy blanket.

"You are quite the dancer," Scorpius murmured in her ear during their dance.

"Why thank you," Lily whispered back. "You sound surprised."

"I shouldn't be surprised by anything you do anymore, yet you always amaze me somehow," he said softly.

Lily turned and placed her hands on his shoulders, smiling coyly at him. "Can't say that I'm sorry about that," she teased.

He laughed quietly. "Neither can I," he whispered, his breath fanning against her ear. It almost made Lily shiver. But she wasn't at all cold. She licked her lips, tasting the zing of the spiked punch on her lips. The taste was intoxicating, relaxing her, and shattering and worries and problems she could have ever had.

"Wanna go sit down for a bit?" Lily questioned lightly, licking her lips once again.

Scorpius coughed lightly, but then he smirked. "Getting tired?"

Lily shook her head. "Not in the slightest," she told him.

Scorpius was quiet for a moment, but then nodded vigorously. "Sure. Come on." He kept a firm hold on her wrist as he led her through the dancing crowd and over to one of the couches, where they both sat down. Lily glanced at him as she made herself comfortable on the couch. Scorpius was turned toward her, his knee lightly brushing against hers, the denim on his jeans a bit rough. His arm laid on the top of the couch, and he was smirking. His hair was a nicely styled mess, like he'd just gotten out of bed. He wore a black muscle tee, and dark jeans. The shirt really showed off the size of his upper body. Lily could tell that he had at least a six-pack. His arms were thick with muscle, and the combination made Lily's stomach flutter.

Lily refocused, but then noticed that she wasn't the only one with wandering eyes. Scorpius's eyes were walking over her. It didn't make Lily blush or feel embarrassed like she thought she would be. It just made her feel warm and excited.

"Enjoying yourself?" she teased lightly.

Scorpius didn't look embarrassed about being caught either. He simply raised his eyes to hers, his smirk becoming even more smug. "Just as much as you are," he quipped. He looked over at the table, and then pulled his wand out of his pocket. He flicked his wand, and two cups began to float over to them, dodging moving bodies. He plucked one out of the air, and Lily took the other.

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