23 | JK Initiating Now

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There are quite a few V-haters out there. We don't worry about them because we who love him as our bias outnumber the haters, and we say

🎶🗣️ SO, WHAT?🎶

But I said that to say that some of the ANTIs claim that Taehyung is the only one who initiates touching or flirting when it comes to Taekook. They paint him as a true fan service king that just uses his chemistry with Jungkook because that's what the fans want-it's all just Kim Taehyung being great at fan service. I agree that on stage he is the king of fan service. Bit it's not true that he only initiates. Jungkook has been flirting with Tae for a while now and even initiates the flirting and the touching.

Take for instance, here Taehyung has his back turned to JK. Then Jungkook flicks Tae's chin in public and plays with his hair. Baby wants attention!

Jungkook has even low-key serenaded to Taehyung during a performance. Remember when Kook was singing and
he was pointing at his face? We believe he was pointing toward where Tae's moles are on his face. He had Tae's total attention. We believe that Jungkook was serenading him while performing because he then brings a "v" sign up to his face. I guess this singing whole touching the face is a Taekook thing because V has done it before. But anyway here, Jungkook was the one to initiate the Taekook moment.

I live for Grammys Taekook when they were here in the USA 🇺🇸💜! They were so in sync and all hugged up. It was wonderful to see them together. The main reason I live for these moments is because Jungkook was hanging on to Taehyung for dear life. In all the videos you see him with his arm around him. And other times (when they had on the black coats) Jungkook was even pulling on him while he was talking.

Also in the USA, I believe this was the same day because they had the same attire on. Tae is just listening to them being interviewed and Jungkook flirts with him with winking and blowing a kiss. Tae got so aroused, it look like he almost wanted to come out of that turtleneck.

ANTIs say this is photo shop. But take a look at these other very short videos where JK is clearly looking at Tae. Here's a better video that's on TikTok. Just hit the link and open it. ⬇️


Then here's another in slo-mo

The there are times and JK is relaxed and being a loving boyfriend. In this video, Jungkook is the one who initiated the touching as he is being really touchy feely and totally a boyfriend.

Well, as you can see, on or off camera, Jungkook initiates the flirting. Call it fan service if you want. I've said it before
Even real couples can offer fan service.

Taekook is real and alive ANTIs!

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