Chapter 27

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I was sitting on the floor in my second daughter’s room. She was in my lap reading to me. My baby was so smart. I ran my fingers through her golden brown locks and kissed her forehead.

She giggled. “Mommy that tickle!”

I laugh. “I’m sorry Brandie but I can’t help it! I love you so much!”

She laughs really hard as I nuzzle her neck and place kisses on her chubby cheeks. I hear the front door open and close and I look down at Brandie as her face lights up.

“Where my three favorite girls at?!”

“Daddyyyy!” Brandie screams and jumps out of my lap.

I watch as her two year old legs carry her out of the room. I get up and follow her as she makes her way down the stairs. I am right behind her in case she falls.

Brad is waiting at the bottom of the steps and scoops Brandie up when she reaches him. He places kisses all over her face and she laughs just as hard as did when I was kissing on her.

I make it to the bottom of the steps and Brad pulls away from showing our daughter affection so he can kiss me.

“Hmmm.” he moans against my lips before pulling back. “Where’s Maddie?” he asks.

“In her room, texting her friends as usual.” I tell him.

“Hmph. Teenagers.” he smiles and then looks to Brandie. “I wish you could stay a baby forever!”

I start to feel de ja vu once again and I remember my dream from years ago. I smile at the thought because I know this is reality and even though the dialogue was starting off the way it did in my dream, I knew for a fact that this would be different than the dream.

I watch as Brad kisses Brandie and places her on her feet. She whines a bit and clutches onto his leg. He sighs, picks her back up and clutches onto his neck.

I shake my head. “She’s going to a spoiled daddy’s girl, just like her sister.”

“Hey! I am not spoiled.” Maddie huffs as she descends the stairs.

I laugh a bit and she stands next to me. She hugs my waist and I wrap my arms around her.

“Mommy, can I go over to Lisa’s house? She’s having a sleepover.” she asks in that sweet voice she only possesses when she wants something.

I look at Brad and he nods. I look back at Maddie. “Sure, but I want to check what you pack to wear young lady.”

Lisa had a fourteen year old brother that I suspected Maddie had a crush on and I wanted to make sure her clothes were appropriate in case he would be at the house.

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