Chapter 4

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James and I spent ALL night christening our need bedroom and quite frankly I was sore! The only reason I got out of bed was because James had to go in early and check on his new office and I wanted to make him breakfast.

He left an hour ago and I was contemplating what I wanted to do with myself. We only had one car back in Washington because my job was within walking distance of our apartment so if I wanted to go somewhere today I would have to walk, take the bus or take a cab.

I remembered that I wanted to look for a job. There were only two animal hospitals in Silver Springs that I remembered that I wanted to check out. One was downtown-I saw it during the cab ride, and the other was on an old country road.

I called a cab and it arrived half an hour later. I went to the hospital downtown first. It was called Healthy Pets. I always liked that name. Since I didn't know how long I would be there I paid the driver and he left.

I entered Healthy Pets and saw the lobby was empty save for one little girl. She had her head down as if she was being punished. I notice she has the prettiest brownish blonde hair that feel over her small shoulders and her skin is a very light brown, darkened a bit, as if she had been playing in the sun. I tear away from studying the girl when the receptionist welcomes me to the establishment.

"Hi there. Welcome to Healthy Pets where we will keep your pet healthy and happy. How can I help you?" she asked me with a large smile.

"Hi, I just moved to town and I worked at an animal hospital out in Washington and I just came looking for a job." I told her.

Her face brightened at my words. "My Lord! You must be an answer to my prayers!"

She clapped her hands together and I stared at her like she was crazy. She moved around her desk and approached me. She grabbed my arm and led me back around her desk.

"We're short staffed here. You see that little girl in the lobby?"

I look over my shoulder at the girl and then back at the receptionist and nod.

"She came down here two days ago because her dog Maxus, was losing his fur. Had bald spots everywhere. Usually we can have him seen in no time but we've only got one doctor now and he is backed up. Maxus has been here in one of the cages and is miserable. If you could look at him and diagnose him and get him home today, I'm sure Dr. Duncan will hire you."

Whoa, starting on the first day? I thought I would just meet the doctor, fill out some paperwork and they'll tell me, 'don't call us, we'll call you'.

The receptionist pulled me into the back and led me to where they kept animals overnight. There were about four dogs all in cages and the receptionist was right; they all looked miserable.

She pulled to the largest cage and I saw a St. Bernard that looked like the dog that played in the movie Beethoven, lying down. I looked him over and saw the patches; poor thing.

"Has Dr. Duncan done any examinations on him? Where's his chart?" I ask.

She leaves my side to get the dog's chart. "Like I said, he's been backed up." she tells me when she returns with the chart.

I look over and see that this is Maxus's second visit. The first was months ago for a flea bath. I nod and hand the chart back to her.

"Let me look him over. Can you take Maxus to an examination room and direct me to the changing room please."

She smiles at me and points in the direction of the room. I hurry to it and grab a lab coat in my size. I place it over my clothes and when I come out, the receptionist who introduces herself as Paige tells me Maxus is in room three.

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