"Oh, uhh, thanks," Deku responded.

"Treecko best Boi" H coughed to himself.

"Pardon?" All Might asked, not hearing what H said.

"Nothing!" H exclaimed in defense, confusing the audience.

"Walking up the route more, I run into Brendan, who challenges me to a battle where Ryukyu proceeds to also scratch the crap out of his Mudkip. Good job Ryukyu, you're two for two. Doing great!" Deku encourages his Pokémon while Brendan falls to his knees & stares at his injured, almost dead Mudkip in horror.

The professor hands Deku five red & white basic Pokeballs which Deku attaches to his belt.

"The Nuzlocke has officially started."

"Oh boy, here we go!" Mic yelled, waking up Aizawa who was sleeping next to him.

Deku & Ryukyu walked through the grass with eyes peeled for other Pokémon. Deku soon found a Zigzagoon, a cute fuzzy Racoon with brown fur. "Not the best, but I can work with this. Ya know, I think we're gonna have a really awesome advent-" Deku was interrupted by Ryukyu instantly killing the Zigzagoon in one hit, proud of her achievement.

Bakugou laughed at Deku's misfortune.

"Violent much?" Hawks turned to ask his fellow pro, making Ryukyu sweat.

Deku continued on. "Route 102 is right around the corner and that's where I was able to catch Sato the Seedot." Seedot was a giant acorn with eyes & small feet.

"He named it after me? So cool!" Sato said.

"Seedot fucking sucks!!!" Bakugou said.

"I mean... he ain't wrong," Kirishima admitted as Kaminari nodded in agreement.

"However, Seedot evolves into Nuzleaf, the namesake of all Nuzlockes," H argued.

"I doubt this runt of a Pokémon will live long enough to evolve," Bakugou said.

"Look at us, a couple of friends ready to take on the Hoenn region together!" Deku exclaimed, not noticing Ryukyu giving Sato a death stare.

"I would fear for your life if I was you, Sato," Shoji told the hero in training, making Sato gulp. Ryukyu just smiled innocently.

"I continued onto to route 104 & found a little Taillow in the grass." Taillow was a small black & white bird with a red face. It shook its butt at Deku in a mocking way.

"Aggressive & screams when hungry? Oh yeah, I know your name." Deku named the angry bird Bakugou.

"What the fuck?! That's nothing like me!!!" Bakugou yelled, not wanting to admit Deku was dead on with his description.

"Also, I swear to god, if I die, you're gonna pay, Deku," Bakugou threatened the Green haired hero. Deku was barely phased by the threat, used to them all at this point.

"In Petalburg Forest a team Magma grunt jumps some random professor so Ryukyu & Bakugou peck his eyes out." Ryukyu & Bakugou did as described. At that time, a small tan & green mushroom thing walked by with a dead look on his face. Deku picked it up.

"I'm gonna name you Iida."

"Random, but okay, I'm happy to help!" Iida exclaimed, chopping his arm in the air.

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