Chapter 12: Everything Has Changed

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The girls had to step out and catch their breath after everything that happened, completely shocked. Their hearts racing at record speeds, the three superheroes were seconds away from fainting.

"That's it; they are drunk. Completely drunk. Maybe even high! Yep, that's it. Drunk and high, as expected from the Ruffs at a party." Blossom stated, nervously walking up and down the street.

"Yeah! Yeah, that's it! Their already challenged brains must be under the influence of alcohol and drugs! They probably don't have any idea what they are talking about!" Buttercup agreed, convincing herself that Blossom's allegations were true.

But she knew they weren't. Not only did the Jojos have no time after their performance to smoke weed or drink, they had also spent the entire party with the girls. If they had taken something, the Puffs would've seen it.

"I have never seen them go so insane... They were crazy as villains too, but this is- Out of their minds!" Bubbles commented, still in awe. Secretly, she was blushing at the thought that Boomer would even fantasize about kissing her, especially after their almost - kiss happened earlier. Since those words left his mouth, the blonde Puff couldn't get them out of her head.

There was always some tension between the blues, but they would never admit it was because they had a crush on each other, always blaming it on their rivalry. Everyone else would say that, of course, because their admiration for one another was very noticeable. Even though the sisters wished that the Ruffs were out of it when they said that sentence, Bubbles secretly hoped it was true. Maybe, just maybe, she'd really like to kiss him too.

"Hey, so... What do we do if what they said was the truth?" The blue Puff asked carefully, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

Both Buttercup and Blossom stayed quiet, not knowing what to say. Their oldest sister took a deep breath and steadily replied: "Well, if they want to kiss us, then... Then we gently let them down and tell them we don't like them like that."

Buttercup turned around, a little puzzled.

"Shit, do we even like them at all?"

Silence reigned. None of them had the strength to lie and say that they don't like hanging out with the Jojo brothers. They were almost a friend group at this point!

Their worried talk was interrupted by none less than the Jojo's, who had come outside to look for them before the clock struck midnight.

"Hey, girls, where'd you go?! The countdown's gonna start!" Butch yelled as the three brothers flew closer.

"We just got a little overwhelmed, that's all" Buttercup cleared her throat.

"Hah, told ya' you can't handle a real party!"

At that moment, Buttercup was sure she wanted to rip the green Ruff's stupid head off. It wasn't like that; it wasn't like that at all! They acted like this because the sentence they overheard hit them like a bus, not because they were stuck up and prudy!

"Are you three... okay? You look like you've seen a ghost..." Boomer asked, genuinely concerned. Especially worried for Bubbles, who avoided looking him in the eyes.

"Yeah, you girls are acting all weird. What's up with ya'? Did you not like our performance or somethin'?"

Brick asked, his bushy, ginger eyebrows furrowed, his crimson cap slightly turned. It took Blossom a couple of seconds to answer that question since her gaze was stuck on the red Ruff's chapped lips. Her usually fact-filled mind now rang with his words repeatedly, making her incredibly uneasy.

"Uh, earth to Pinky? You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm- We're- We're fine. Perfectly fine. Just like your performance was. Not that you need any more boosting to your ginormous ego, Brick."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2023 ⏰

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