Chapter 10: The Christmas Party

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Days and weeks flew by, and the well-awaited parties were happening very soon. The Christmas spirit was present everywhere as the teachers worked long and hard to decorate their classrooms, even on the winter break. The students could also be credited for the overall vibe, as no one talked about anything other than how much fun the New Year's Eve party will be. The Christmas party wasn't popular because everyone knew the teachers would be chaperoning it.

As the party came closer, the students buzzed about it all over social media. Princess Morebucks was over the top with it, posting on her story every time she went shopping for the fiftieth dress this week.

"I don't get why she's so extra with this... When will she even have the time to change during the party?" Buttercup mindlessly asked, scrolling through her Instagram feed.

Blossom shrugged, leaning back on the pillows of their couch. Their blue sister was stretched out on the sofa, enjoying the comfortable December afternoon with her sisters.

"I wonder what the Ruffs will play at the party... Have you girls thought about that?"

Blossom scrunched her eyebrows while Buttercup all but gagged.

"I don't think about the Rowdyruffs at all. Ugh! Just thinking about those three makes me want to puke!"

The oldest triplet agreed, nodding her head:

"Yeah, I try not to waste more time on them than I already have to at school."

Silence filled the room as the three girls relaxed together in their living room. It was a quiet, snowy Saturday, perfect for lounging with your family. Blossom had picked up a romance book, Buttercup endlessly scrolled on her phone, and Bubbles sat with them, talking about anything that would come to mind.

"You know what would be funny?" Bubbles suddenly broke the silence.

Both her sisters raised their eyes toward her, suddenly paying no attention to their previous activities.

"Well, every year, the band playing at the Christmas party has to play at least one slow song. You know, for the couples to dance and stuff! I think it would be hilarious if the Ruffs played it!"

The green Puff imagined the situation Bubbles mentioned. The bored faces of the three villains as they were forced to play soft tunes... How they would dread every moment... How the Powerpuffs would tease them and maybe even sneak some good footage of the moment... She couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh god, that would be epic! Girls, if they get forced to do that, we'll have to film it! There's no way I'm not filming them if they play something like "Can't Help Falling In Love"!"

Blossom shook her head.

"Hey, I actually like that song! But yeah, I agree. We have to film it if it happens! Guess we'll have to see!"

Suddenly, Bubbles seemed really down. When her sisters asked her what was wrong, she sighed deeply:

"I just feel bad for them..."

Buttercup was confused:

"Why do you feel bad for them? It's not like they don't deserve a little teasing for everything they've done!"

"No, not because of that... I just... They probably never got any Christmas presents... Living with two evil villains mustn't have been a lot of fun during the holidays... And they certainly won't get any this year! Now that Him and Mojo Jojo are in prison, the Ruffs don't have anyone who could give them anything..."

"Oh... When you put it like that, it is kind of sad..." The oldest triplet agreed, while the middle one angrily threw a pillow at Bubbles.

"Dammit, Bubs, now I feel bad too!"

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