Chapter 8: Walk In The Snow

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Bubbles' POV

A couple of days before Buttercup's big game, I got a phone call from one of my neighbors, Mrs. Smith.

"Hi, Mrs. Smith, Bubbles here! How can I help you?"

"Hey, Bubbles! I'm calling because I don't know what to do! My husband and I are going to watch a play, but there's nobody to take care of our babies! Can you please do it, since I heard you have a sitting business?"

Of course, I would want to help her! I love kids!

"Yeah, sure, I can do it! When do I have to be over?"

What she told me left me kind of disappointed. I just promised to babysit on the same day Buttercup has her game! What if I don't make it? I will never forgive myself if I don't be there for her!

"Oh... On Thursday? I kind off already have plans that day... Well, at what time should I come over..?"

At least the babysitting is supposed to be after the game, so I won't miss anything. Oh, I remember that Blossom also has something to do afterward, so we can go together!

It's been a week since the call, and Blossom and I are taking our seats in the stands. Buttercup mentioned to us that Butch and Brick were on the team too. Sports were never Boomer's thing...

After about two-thirds of the game, it was getting really exciting! Both teams were really good, and nobody could tell who was gonna win. Right when the game got to the most exciting point, Blossom got a text saying she had to leave.

"Don't worry! I'll tell her what happened! Go, it's okay!"

With my comforting words, she got up and left.

In the last second of the game, just as she was supposed to make the final shot, Buttercup slipped and fell, losing them the game. Everybody gasped, shocked that they lost. However, I was more worried for Buttercup... She never took losses easily. She and Blossom were polar opposites when it comes to that - Blossom wanted to always win, to be the best; while all Buttercup wanted was not to lose. I didn't care if we lost or won if we gave it our best.

Suddenly, Buttercup ran out of the gym, with tears prickling in the corners of her eyes. All of the people just stared, not doing anything, not saying anything. There was complete silence in the audience when I started running toward my sister.

She didn't let me catch up to her since she can run much faster than I can. My breathing got very uneven, and my legs started limping.

Suddenly, somebody turned me around by my shoulder.

"Yo, Bubbles, I'll go check on her! I have to see what's this about!"

Butch?! Since when does he care about Buttercup's feelings?

"No, Butch, I think you are the last person she'd want to see right now.."

He looked at me with sincerity I have never seen before.

"I'm not gonna make fun of her, I'm not gonna do something bad. But I know you have some plans already, and someone has to go talk to her. Also, I'm on the team with her, so it might help her hear it from her teammate!"

I wouldn't usually trust a Ruff like that, but something about the way he had a genuine worry in his eyes made me sure that he was just gonna check up on her.

'Oh biscuits, I'm gonna be late!' I thought as I flew as fast as I could to the Smith's house. I don't want them to think I don't care about their kids! Dealing with kids was always very natural and fun to me, so I figured I could make some extra pocket money if I started this neighborhood babysitting business. My sisters tried to help me, but it wasn't exactly their thing...

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