Chapter 4: Somebody We Used To Know

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Buttercup's POV

The whole time we sat at the library with them was... Awkward, at the very least. I noticed that Bubbles and Blossom looked very stiff and somewhat uncomfortable, which was understandable. I mean, how the hell would anyone expect us to suddenly act normal around them when they were our worst enemies just a few years ago?!

Even though we were actually doing research, the boys were just chilling on their phones. I saw Boomer sending memes to Brick and Butch! C'mon people, I can't almost fail history again this year!

I've had enough of them not putting in the work.

"So are you gonna sit here and do nothing all day, or are you gonna get off your asses and actually do some work?!"

Butch smirked his sinister smile at me. God, I can't even begin to explain how much I hate him!

"I'm good right here, Butterbea."

He's called me that since the very first time he learned my name, and I hate it. I hate him. In fact, I have always hated him. Whoever said otherwise couldn't be more wrong. It took everything in me not to punch him right then and there.

Luckily, Blossom stopped me by getting annoyed as well.

"Can you at least pretend to care about this assignment?"

Brick put his phone down and looked her in the eyes.

"Can you at least pretend you're not scared of us?"

That sentence left us shocked. We sat up in our chairs quickly, not believing what Brick said. Was it true? Were we actually scared of them?

"We're.. we're not scared of you!" Bubbles responded, trying to sound as conceiving as she could.

"Yeah, you wish we were scared of your incapable asses!" I sided next to my blue sister.

"That is the biggest lie I have ever heard you girls say" Butch wasn't looking up from his phone.

Boomer put his phone down and looked directly at Bubbles.

"You know, you don't have to be scared of us... Yeah, we're not exactly friends, but we aren't here to take you down. If we were, we'd be fighting you right about now, and we aren't, are we?" He smiled, and his brothers did too.

Something about their smiles seemed... Genuine? Like somebody who agreed with what Boomer had to say. Like they were trying to comfort us from being scared of them.

"We're not.. scared. Just kinda uncomfortable." Blossom said, hiding her face in some history textbook.

After all three of them asked us why, my pink sister was quick to reply:

"Well, how can we not! I mean, we haven't seen you in five years, and you haven't exactly left on a good note! The last time we saw you, you tried to kill us, just like every time before! And now, you just show up like it's nothing, you all but threaten us that you can 'snap every second' and then expect us to act like nothing is wrong?! We know you don't like us, you hated us your entire lives, and guess what - we hate you too!"

What she said left them completely speechless. They finally put their phones down, reached into their bags, and pulled out the history textbooks.

"Ahm, uhh... What exactly are we doing here?"

I was so surprised that they wanted to do some work. Blossom explained to them the assignment since she knew history the best. All the other subjects too, if I'm being fair.

"Man, what is this assignment even about?! Did Mr. Teacher give us everything about this damn town as a presentation?!" Butch exclaimed.

Even though we were completely different our whole lives, we had the same opinion about one thing: school. I've always been a good student, but I dread studying. However, I have never failed a single subject. I might have gotten close last year, but Blossom tutored me, and everything worked perfectly!

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