Chapter 9: Getting Closer

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Blossom was the first one to get home that night. As she stepped into their house, she immediately slammed the door shut and pressed her back to it. Did this really happen?

'Relax, Blossom. It's... fine, right? You just spent an afternoon with him. Tutoring him. That's normal, right?

But it's NOT normal with Brick JoJo!'

Her thoughts circled in her head as she took her shoes off. Brick never acted like this. He was the mean, unbothered villain who couldn't care less about anyone else in the world besides himself. And for him to be so nice to her? It was simply out of character.

The pink Puff took off her jacket and backpack, unpacking her things. She never liked having her things unorganized. As she took out the many books and notebooks from the pink bag, she suddenly picked out a pencil case that didn't belong to her.

'Huh, what's this?'

The pencil case was simple and red. It looked old and worn out from years of usage, with a small hole next to the zipper. It couldn't have belonged to Blossom, as she would never let her things get like that. The pink Utonium sister was always neat and organized.

'This must be Brick's pencil case! I must have accidentally packed it.'

Inside was an eraser shaped like a monkey, one sharpener, one orange marker, and a pencil covered in bite marks. There were also many little papers, already folded into little balls, ready to be thrown at someone during class.

'How typical,' She thought with a smile, 'I'll return it to him in school tomorrow.'

Carelessly, she left the pencil case on the table as she got started on dinner. The professor sometimes worked long hours, which meant that one of the girls had to step in to make dinner. Usually, it was Bubbles, but since she wasn't home yet, that duty fell on Blossom. Even if their third sister, Buttercup, was here, Blossom would still do it. Buttercup truly had no talent nor passion for any culinary activities.

"How do we rewrite the stars.." The redhead hummed as she chopped some vegetables. Not many people would have guessed it, but Blossom is actually a great cook. Not better than Bubbles, but still good enough for her meals to be tasty.

As she grated some carrots, her mind went back to the idea Brick suggested. Dance classes sounded amazing...

Once, when she was little, maybe around five years old, Blossom did take ballet classes. She loved them so much and really wanted to continue! However, there were a few girls in her class who made her stop. She would get pushed around for her "freakish" abilities and never really got a chance to dance professionally. That's why she never tried again.

Suddenly, she heard the front door opening.

"Hi! Is anyone home?" Her blue sister's voice rang through the hallway.

"Hey, I'm in the kitchen!" Blossom was quick to reply.

Of course, she was scared. What if her baby sister found out she had spent the entire afternoon with a Ruff?! After all, Blossom was the one who made up this whole "hating Ruffs, never hanging out with them" rule!

The pink Puff was always aware of the affection Bubbles held for Boomer. Before the six of them became sworn enemies, the blue Rowdyruff was kind of like Bubbles' best friend! If only it stayed that way...

After taking her shoes off, the blonde sister ran towards the kitchen, swinging herself to give the oldest triplet a big hug.

"Hi, Blossom! How was the tutoring?"

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