"What's your name?" The guy with the brown hair questioned me.

I remained silent, before standing up from my seat on the bench and making my way towards the exit but I felt a hand around mine, and again, I put my guard up and quickly turn around, fight or flight activated as I stared into the eyes of Jimin. His hand was over mine, trying to restrain me from leaving but I watched as his eyes wandered down to my wrist where 'IV' was branded.

"I...V..." Jimin trailed off, eyebrows knitted together, a small pour on his face as he tried to decipher what it meant. Clenching my jaw, I snatched my hand away from him, defensively. "Is that your name? IV? Like Ivy?"

Pursing my lips, I stared at him emptily.

"Ivy... that's a really pretty name. I'm Park Jimin." Jimin officially introduced himself to me, extending out his arm and I quickly backed away, thinking he was going to attack but he remained calm. "Hey, hey, I'm not gonna hurt you. We all just want to help you, Ivy—"

"Four." I heard the really buff guy say with pink hair. I snapped my head towards him, sweat forming at the back of my neck. "Her name is not Ivy dumbass, it's Four."

I clenched my jaw, staring at him, as I felt uneasy.

"How the fuck do you get the name Four from the letters IV? Who names a kid Four?" The so-called Hoseok guy asked.

"Roman numerals. Your name is Four, right?" Pink hair asked but I remained silent, staring at him indifferently.

"Yeah? Well I like Ivy, so I'm gonna call her Ivy. Can we keep her boss?" Jimin beamed at his boss, excitedly, as he gestured to me.

"Are you crazy? What part of she snuck in here and attacked me, don't you understand?" Jungkook snapped impatiently.

"Well, if we're talking factually, you attacked her first, buddy." A guy with black hair defended me.

"And if we're talking with common sense, we should let her go. She's probably a homeless person who stumbled in here." Jungkook kissed his teeth, clearly opposed with the idea of me being here.

Everyone was talking between themselves, excited at my presence while the boss was consumed deep in thought. I watched as he stroked his chin, eyes fixated on me.

"She's staying for now. I still can't wrap my head around how she beat Jungkook. She could be good for business." The boss smiled, sticking out his finger at me.

There was a mixed reaction from the group, most indifferent, some just wanting to go back to sleep, some cheering, excited by my company and of course, one sour expression.

"But I'm good for the business." Jungkook re-emphasised.

"Yeah? Well, better get your game up, son." The boss responded sarcastically. "Figure amongst yourselves where she'll be staying for the night, I'm going to my room. We'll talk about this situation later on this morning. Practice at 9 as usual." He said before walking away, leaving me alone with the seven boys.

"Dibs on her in my bedroom!" Jimin said quickly once the boss left and the guy with mint green hair slapped his back.

"Have some respect." Mint Green hair drawled, gesturing to the uncomfortable look on my face.

"No, no, no, not like that. I mean you can sleep in my bed, for the time being. Until boss renovates the basement and you get your own room." Jimin said encouragingly. I could hear someone scoff in the background at Jimin's excitement and it's clear who it was, there was only one sour person present. "You're one of us now so don't be scared."

"You're speaking to her like she's a pet, Jimin." Hoseok, I believe he was called, chuckled. "Anyways, I'm slumped. Since we've agreed she'll be staying with Jimin, I'm off to bed. We'll see in the morning."

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