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Devouring the savory pork belly, accompanied with a side of rice and kimchi with my hands, I began to lick my fingers hungrily, looking around frantically, as I pulled the bowl closer to myself as I felt stares and gapes.

"Don't worry, it's not running away." An orange haired boy who looked around my age said, with a sense of amusement and a brown haired boy slapped him against his chest.

"Shut up, Jimin." He hissed at the orange haired boy as I chugged down a glass of ice cold grape juice, burping loudly before I continued to feast on the meat, the juices splashing on my face uncontrollably as I chewed, clenching my fists in satisfaction. "Boss won't be able to get her to speak if you're making fun of her."

"You know what I think? I think she may be some sort of crackhead or tramp that stumbled into here, accidentally." A guy with mint green hair explained. I could hear them blatantly talking about me in the background but I was too focused on the succulent meat to respond.

Shoving some rice into my mouth, I choked a little as the food travelled down the wrong pipe.

"Easy." The brown haired boy from before said to me in concern but I ignored him.

"Well clearly shes a crackhead who can fight because she just beat up our star kick boxer." The older man amongst the bunch scoffed.

"She didn't beat me up." I heard the gravelly voice of a man. I looked up whilst continuing to chew as I recognised the man speaking as my opponent. His jaw was clenched as he stared at me, holding a pack of ice peas in his free hand whilst nursing his wounds.

"JK... I hate to be the bearer of bad news but she quite literally fucked you up—" the orange hair guy who I have identified as Jimin snorted and the said-JK scoffed.

"Fuck you, Jimin—"

"But did he lie, Jungkook?" The older man asked seriously. "I've noticed you've been regressing for the past few weeks but to get beaten up by a little girl? That's a new all time low. Even for you." The older man spat at my opponent, slamming his fist against the bench.

"She's not some ordinary little girl. She's inhumanly strong and skilled. But I would've handled her properly any other normal day. I heard noises downstairs and I just took my sleeping pills so of course I'm not gonna be at my best, boss. Why the fuck are all of you badgering me when we have the fucking she-hulk in our midst?" This Jungkook guy snapped, defensively, kissing his teeth as he tried to deflect the negative attention.

"Jungkook's just mad he got fucked up by a girl." Someone sneered.

"I'll fuck you up next if you don't watch your mouth, Hoseok. Don't play with me." Jungkook snapped at the boy with platinum blond hair, he was leant on the bench, his legs kicked on the so-called-Jimin guy, smirking mischievously as he got a reaction out of Jungkook.

"Lady. It's time you start answering some questions. We gave you some food, some dressing for your wounds, now it's time for you to pay us back with some information." The older man who everyone referred to as boss deadpanned staring at me directly. I didn't respond. Trust nobody was my life motto. And I didn't trust them.

"She's not gonna budge, sajangnim." Another guy with pink hair shrugged. "She's been munching on that pork belly silently ever since Jin whipped it up for her. She's not gonna budge."

"Yeah? Well I'll make her budge." The boss snatched the now empty bowl of rice and pork belly from me as I began to lick the plate hungrily. Once he snatched it from me, I looked up at him in betrayal, a frown distorting my face. "We will get you more of that if you give us some information. Anything."

I remained quiet, staring through him. I had eaten, my wounds were dressed, I sat down and rest for a little, therefore, I no longer needed anything from these people or this place. I could be on my way.

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