Chapter 8- The Battle of The Rodenius Sea

Start from the beginning

"Have it move to engage when the Rajput gets engaged."

"Yes sir."

Rear Admiral Salvi got up from his chair and looked out towards the flight deck. The Sea Harriers of the INAS 300 'White Tigers' were on the deck making final preparations for their combat mission. Though they were not present on the deck, Rear Admiral Salvi knew that the Sea Harriers of the INAS 552 'The Braves' were also being prepared in order to fulfill their role in the latter half of this operation. INAS 300 was carrying the AIM-7 Sparrow medium-range, semi-active radar missiles to take care of the Wyverns. While INAS 552 was being armed with a strike package. Unless there were nasty surprises waiting for them, everything should proceed as planned.

"Sir, we have a Flash message that the Rajput has been fired upon, and is requesting for assistance."

"Just in time then." Rear Admiral Salvi said. "I cannot believe that the Lourians were that dumb, inform Delhi of the 'situation'."

"Aye Aye Admiral." The Communication officer responded and got to work. It did not take long to receive a response which the entire fleet was waiting for.

After reading the transcript, Rear Admiral Salvi smirked before turning to address the bridge of the INS Viraat. "Alright gentlemen, it's time to get to work. We better start justifying our wages and pension with this one."








War Plan Two. That meant the total annihilation of all Lourian military assets, which the Rear Admiral was perfectly happy to see. He was now free to engage the enemy without giving them any prior warnings. He tucked the message form into his pocket, returned to the bridge, and went without a word to the microphone and then addressed the ship.

"This is the Commander speaking. Listen up: It's official. We are now in a shooting war. No more drills, gentlemen. If you hear an alarm from now on, it means there's a Bad Guy out there. That is all."

"This is where the fun begins." The CAG smirked as he watched the first Sea Harrier take off.


Most people would have considered the view outside frightening. At six thousand feet, despite thin cloud cover, visibility was still being affected. Flying through the open sky, she could still see the outline of what was below her, and only madmen would want to willingly face that massive fleet. But then again, that thinking made sense in their previous world. Over here? Not so much.

A flight of three Sea Harrier F.52s from the India Naval Air Squadron 300 was vectoring to its area of operation. This was part of Operation Kalanemi, a piece of the massive grand scheme concocted by the naval headquarters to deal with the Lourain nation. The attack on the INS Rajput was the casus belli for the civilian administration, and it was now time for retaliation.

First Lieutenant Aalia Sen adjusted her aircraft's Blue Vixen radar, as it depicted the collected data being scanned by its surface scan mode. The information had interference but provided enough data to prepare for targeting.

She nudged the control stick of her Sea Harrier, codenamed Daanav-07, allowing her to circle the battle area with her wingman, who had begun orbiting first. They saw the Lourian fleet, with more ships than one could count. Only the INS Rajput was facing this giant fleet. While much larger than the wooden ships, the numbers it faced was somewhat unnerving, numbering in the thousands.

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