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This is about echo meeting 2 old friends while on a mission with the batch.


Hunter and echo were stood outside a bar on ord mantel. They had intel from cid to bring in a certain togruta girl but one of them knew the reason.

It was getting late so Hunter commed tech "tech how much longer? Are you sure we are at the right place?" He said with irritation in his voice.

"Yes my intel is accurate the girl should be leaving in about 10.2 seconds" tech said in his normal voice. "Great" Hunter whispered under his breath, before shouting over to echo "hey echo she should be leaving any second be ready to run after her."

And just as he said that echo spotted a hooded togruta exiting the bar "hey you! Stop!" He quickly shouted after her with no success, she took off running down a street "kriff-" echo whisper shouted and he sprinted her way.

Luckily for him the last street was a dead end and it looked like the young togruta was headed down there. She made a stop a metre away from the wall before turning to face echo and saying in a not so calm voice "listen here I have no idea who you are so just let me go and we won't have any trouble."

Echo froze at the sound of that voice, it was one he hadn't heard in a long time, and it brought back some old memories, "c-commander? Commander Tano? Is that you?" Ahsoka backed away "how do you know who I am?"

He took his helmet off and threw it to the floor "commander it's me- it's echo sir" he said in the most calming way possible before getting closer and closer to his former commander "what, n-no it can't be! The citadel you- you died!" She said close to tears as she also got closer, she wanted nothing more than to hug her old friend.

"I know, I know a lot happened that I will explain to you soon but for now-" before he could finish the togruta pulled him into a hug like she was never going to let go, even when echo got a call on his comm he just ignored it "echo! Are you ok? We lost track of you while you were running after the target" he heard hunters worried voice but that didn't matter now, all that mattered was his commander.

She pulled away with realisation on her face "come with me! I know someone that will want to see you!"
Echo nodded, sliding his helmet back on and followed her to a ship, it was small but perfect for a couple of people. He stood a few feet away from the ship as Ahsoka went inside to retrieve someone but when she came back out he was lost for words.

"F-fives?" He stuttered the clone trooper looked at him with confusion, did his best friend, his closest brother not recognise him? Although he did understand as he looked a lot different after the techno union.

Fives for closer to echo "do I know you?" Echo was about to reply until he got another call on his comm link "echo! Echo are you there? I have found your location and we're on our way!" Tech shouted.

Fives just stared in shock, was it really him? His best friend? "E-echo?" Fives stuttered giving time for echo to remove his helmet again and place it on the floor, they were both as shocked as each other before collapsing into each others arms and tears of happiness streaming down their faces.

That happiness was short lived as the rest of clone force 99 came out of the bushes with their blasters ready to kill anyone who had touched their brother. "Get away from him!" Hunter yelled towards fives, him and Ahsoka got their blasters out and echo jumping up to get between them "woah woah easy, Hunter these are old friends from the 501st, fives, Ahsoka this is clone force 99."

Hunter gave the rest of the batch a nod as they put their blasters away until tech took a step forwards looking at his data pad "arc trooper fives, the empire has you down and KIA" fives pulled a face "heh that's what they said."

Echo turned turned to his brother "what did happen to you fives? I got told by everyone you died?!" Fives just smirked "I could say the same thing to you vod" echo had missed that smirk, every time he was thinking about breaking rules or when senator amidala was mentioned around the general.

Echo smiled softly which was the first genuine smile he had on his face in a while "I'll explain everything when we get back to cid's."

Ahsoka smiled at the sight her two big brothers back together again. When she found fives her whole life changed suddenly there was a light in her darkness, a bit of hope. She thought that if he was alive there could be others and she was right.

The seven of them started to make their way to cids parlour being cautious and making sure no one saw them. While ok the way echo asked fives a few more questions "so have you been in contact with anyone else from the 501st?" Fives looked down "no I haven't just you and commander Tano, I lost hope of anyone being alive a long time ago" echo looked away his best friend didn't know that captain rex was alive.

They arrived at the parlour and everyone sat down with a drink, all besides echo who went into a back room and started inputting something on his comm device and then a familiar voice was heard on the other side "hey echo how is everything?" Rex asked "never better cap but I have a small request?" Echo said with a big smile "anything vod" Rex said returning the same grin "could you come to ord mantel as soon as you can? We have a bit of a surprise" echo please "okay brother setting course for ord mantel now, should be there in about an hour" Rex said in a very calm voice "great! Can't wait!" Echo said bursting with joy as he returned to the group.

Echo noticed that omega was tucked into the corner not socialising with anyone whilst the others were laughing getting to know each other properly. Echo walked over to her and knelt down to her level pulling a smile "hey omega, remember my friend from the 501st that I said would've loved you and is as mischievous as you are?" Omega looked up to him "yes I do but I can't remember his name, I think you only told me once or twice-" echo held his hand out to her and she grabbed it happily.

Pointing to fives he said "this is the friend I was talking about omega" he said with a smile, fives then knelt down looking at the young clone with a smile "well omega if echo says your anything like me you must be mischievous" she giggled and replied with a quiet 'maybe' before she jumped up and sat next to fives.

That sat and told stories for a good hour before they heard a knock on the door. Echos smile got wider as he turned to fives "I have a quick surprise for you."

Fives turned to face the door seeing a face he hadn't seen in a long time "r-Rex?" He quickly said and Rex looked as shocked as fives did "fives?" Echo nodded reassuring them that their eyes didn't deceive them, Rex then spoke again spotting the togruta behind echo and getting closer to fives "Ahsoka! You knew fives was alive this whole time and you didn't tell me" "sorry not sorry cap but I'm glad to see this reunion" she smiled.

Rex brought fives into a bear hug with a warm tear running down his cheek, Rex couldn't remember the last time he actually cried real tears but one of his closest brothers was alive after being presumed dead and he was over the moon.

~~ time skip ~~

The bad batch had took a few days off  to spend time with Ahsoka, fives and Rex on echos request but no one was complaining. Wrecker took omega out to get mantel mix everyday and their three guests joined them. They all had the time of their lives but as time moved on everyone had to go their separate ways, it was hard to say goodbye especially echo and fives but they had each others comm frequency and we're going to be in contact all the time. And occasionally meeting up to go in a mission.

I know all of these have been about echo so far but I have a few ideas for tech and Hunter but I'm struggling on wrecker please leave suggestions in the comments and I will definitely do them!!

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