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So this one is echo accidentally calls omega snips when she is complaining about not being able to go on a mission.


The bad batch has just returned to ord mantel after a long mission but as expected sid had another mission already waiting for them.

Hunter didn't allow omega to come into the briefing which annoyed her "but Hunter I'm a part of the squad too" she said with a disappointed tone "which why you shouldn't have a problem following this simple order and staying out here in the bar" he replied with confidence, omega scoffed and went to sit down in the corner.

Echo couldn't help but notice the resemblance between omega and his former commander Ahsoka Tano, she would always be annoyed when she got treated like a child. They had the same fiery personality always wanting to run straight into a battle without a second thought. Echo smiled to himself at the thought and walked into the briefing.

After about an hour the 4 men emerged from sid's office all of them with concerned or annoyed looks on their face. Omega caught onto that realising that there was no way she would be aloud on the mission but world put in an effort anyway.

"Hunter please can I come on the mission? I promise I will behave!" She pleaded "not this time omega it's to dangerous but don't worry we won't be long and you can stay here with Sid" Hunter attempted to make her feel better with no success.

"Don't worry snips sid will keep you safe and we'll only be gone for the rest of the day" echo didn't realise what he said until omega turned to him questionably "snips?" The rest of the batchers looked at him and tech looked up from his data pad as he realised his echos mistake "oh, erm I- sorry omega" echo quickly stuttered before taking off for the ship with tech not far behind.

Once the rest of the batch minus omega had got to the ship they set course for raxus. Echo sat in silence in the Co-pilot chair thinking about his former commander. What had happened to her? He knew she left the order but no one wanted to tell him the full reason why. He was left in the dark.

The mission went smoothly with no one mentioning what echo had called omega until they got back on the ship. "Hey echo what did that nickname mean? Snips?" Hunter asked curiously.

Wrecker was also interested and echo could tell by the way he was looking at him but tech was the only one who knew what it meant and gave echo a nod of reassurance "it is what General Skywalker called his padawan, Ahsoka tano, omega just reminds me so much of her" Hunter gave a light smile and wrecker still looked confused. Tech put his hand on echos shoulder to comfort him.

Once they got back to Sid's parlour omega ran up to echo and grabbed his hand before dragging him over to a seat "woah woah slow down are you okay omega?" He said being pushed into a chair "I like that nickname you know, snips it seems funny where did you come up with it?"

Echos heart melted "thanks kid that means a lot, my old General from the 501st used to call his padawan snips and the majority of the troopers did as well. She would've loved you." Omega starred in awe wanting to learn more about this girl "can you tell me stories about her?" Echo was slightly shocked that omega wanted to hear about her but he wasn't going to hold back.

He told many stories about his time int he 501st and with Ahsoka Tano that by the time he was done the rest of the bad batch was in a circle around him wanting to know what the regs got up to and what it was like to be an arc trooper. Omega loved the nick name and soon everyone was was calling snips every now and again.

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