Chapter Thirteen

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Slamming the door shut, Ella started to throw her things in her luggage. Her stuff lay scattered in it without much thought. Usually, she was organized with her packing, but her emotions were in turmoil.

After what she had just discovered, she had to leave this place.

"What's wrong?" William appeared in the doorway, looking shocked at what she was doing.

She didn't bother answering him and continued with her packing.


Grabbing her stilettoes, she put them away along with the ankle boots she had brought to combat the rainy weather. It was best to keep quiet, or Ella knew she would lose her temper.

"Ella, please."

She ignored him again.

"What's wrong?" William came to stand in her way to stop her from stomping about in the room.

"Excuse me. I need to pack my things as I am leaving." Ella glared at him. Her hands trembled from fury.

"Leaving? Your flight is two weeks away." He sounded perplexed.

"I thought I had us figured out, but what we have is transient, isn't it?" She demanded.

"No," he emphasized, shaking his head in agitation, "Ella, I have debated with myself. I know it's too soon... I- I love you."

She gaped at him. The declaration of love had caught her by surprise. She knew William was attracted to her. That feeling was fleeting, but love... that sentiment was profound. If she allowed herself to admit it, it was empowering to know that such a man was in love with her.

"I always thought only fools are besotted this easily," he murmured, seeming assured she would reciprocate what he felt. "I guess what is meant to be is meant to be. I always thought I would end up with someone who comes from money, but the opposite attracts. You have no idea how much I struggled to contain myself, but the heart wants what it wants."

"Well, let's not make a fool out of you. I can't accept your avowal of love," she said, exasperated.

William's face reddened in surprise. He looked thunderstruck. He stammered, "Are you serious, Ella? Are you saying no?" He had trouble processing her rebuff.

"I am, William."

"Tell me why I am being rejected with so little endeavour at politeness." He had managed to gain some of his composure.

"Might I ask why you mentioned I am not the type of girl you expected to end up with? Am I supposed to rejoice at being the chosen one and throw myself at your feet," she cried.

He seethed, "Is this how you talk to me after the great time we have had these past few weeks-"

"If I were rude, forgive me. But you know I have other reasons to hate you, William. I have, and you know it," she told him with forced calmness, turning her face away to avoid the hurt, mingling with censure in those blue eyes.

"No, I don't." He shrugged.

"How can you expect me to love a man who has forever ruined the happiness of my dearest sister." Ella paused to hear him say otherwise, but he didn't. "You can't deny you have caused her so much pain and disappointed hopes and exposed Braden to the misery of the acutest kind. You were behind it all, weren't you?"

"I don't deny it at all. Yes, I told Braden to think things through though I have been a hypocrite in that regard," he muttered.

Rattled, she soldiered on. "You have been more than that. Wickham has suffered the worst fate by losing your friendship. At least, Braden should be thankful his love life has suffered."

His Pride & Her Prejudice (in the 21st Century)-unedited.Where stories live. Discover now