As soon as he was done he walked back to the living room Collin was sitting on the couch rubbing his hands on his face then quickly got up when he noticed Louis with all his belongings. He tried to stop him again earning a slap on the cheek before Louis walked out of there slamming the door after himself, he felt more hot tears streaming down his face before he made his way towards his car deciding to drive straight to Zayn's knowing he wouldn't mind him staying there until he could find a new place to live.

He cried the whole way there and when he parked his car outside Zayn's building he stayed there for a few minutes drying his tears and taking deep breaths trying to stop crying. Whenever he thought he was okay and ready to get out of his car, that image would make his way back into his mind and he would start crying again. He wondered why he hadn't been good enough for him, he wondered if it was because it had taken him two years to put out but all Louis wanted was to wait for the right man.

When he was able to finally stop crying he slowly got out of the car with his bag and made his way inside using the key Zayn had given him trying to ignore the people looking at him. When he finally got in the elevator he let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding and leaned against the farthest wall until the doors opened on Zayn's floor. He almost ran to his door knocking rather harshly feeling the tears threatening to come out again.

"He cheated on me Zee, I- I found the bastard fucking some random woman and I thought he loved me." Louis sobbed as soon as Zayn opened the door.

"What! That bastard!" Zayn growled trying not to punch someone, "Oh Lou...come on in babe, you can stay here as long as you want." Zayn gave him a sad look taking Louis' bag wrapping his other arm around his shoulders.

"W- Why would he do that to me Zayn...I loved him and I gave him everything. For fuck's sake I even lost my virginity to him when I p- promised myself I was going to wait until m- marriage!" Louis cried harder taking a seat on the couch while Zayn took one on the coffee table in front of him, "He had the nerve to sleep with me just last night...and then he slept with her."

"He's an asshole Louis, he had everything with you and he threw it away. Babes listen to're better off without him and what you need to do- no! Scratch that. What you and I need to do is go out and have fun like the good old times before that ass showed his snotty self up into your life." Zayn wiggled his eyebrows making Louis listen to what he had to say.

"You want to go clubbing?" Louis asked hoping for a no. He wasn't in the mood to go out when all he wanted to do was to curl up into a small ball and cry for the rest of his life.

"Nope. Something better you think I should call Luke or Ashton and have them punch his balls sack off?" Zayn wondered getting off topic rubbing his chin with his thumb and index finger referring to his two adoptive brothers his parents had adopted when they were babies like he had been around that time.

"Zayn!" Louis snapped his fingers in front of his face catching his attention, "You're spacing out and you're not going to do that, you're not gonna call your brothers. What do you want to do?"

"Oh still have those tickets to Vegas you got earlier?"

"Yeah...wait a want me to go to the place I planned my vacation with that bastard? Are you serious?" Louis yelled grabbing a couch pillow to cover his face. Maybe scream on it or suffocate himself a little.

"C'mon Lou it'll be fun. Just you and I in Las Vegas living the life, you've got nothing left to lose mate." Zayn pleaded looking at him with those gorgeous perfect eyes of his Louis just couldn't say not to when he was looking back at him with that pout showing his sharp cheekbones and why did he have to be so damn pretty.

And You're My Ever After (Larry Stylinson Au)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن