Chapter 3 - Aftermath

Comenzar desde el principio

Not only that, but he also acquired the legendary ranked Job: TimeWalker, which allowed him to manipulate time in different ways.

If that wasn't luck, then Puck didn't know what was. But that's besides the point.

The point is that Gregory was the highest level DPS class in the world at a whopping level 62!

Even after all the support he got from his country!

THAT'S how hard it is to level up!

Especially after level 30, most rankers hit a major road block and stagnate with their base class type. The only way to get past it is by either evolving their class, or by somehow changing their job into a higher level one.

So for Puck to suddenly jump 47 levels at once....

It was just unheard of!

And he even got a new job! A mythical ranked one at that! He's never heard of such a rank, nor has he ever heard of a Gacha type awakener ever attaining a Job, but he's stopped thinking of impossibilities at this point!

Though his stats were a bit on the lower side of things. Most awakeners around level 40 have a base stat of 1000 or above so he was a little disappointed about that, but hey! Beggars can't be choosers!

And so, with a huge grin splitting his face and a new grip on reality, Puck excitedly began checking his newly acquired job, title, and skills!

He held his breath as he clicked on his new class, hoping that it's a good one.

~Class: Summoner - Ranked: Mythical - Description: Only those who've reached the pinnacle of the Gacha class type maybe advance to this job. Those who do will be able to summon various types of creatures based on those found in the User's inventory. Now this may sound like a basic Gacha Summoning, but Summoners are able to assimilate certain skills and stats of those they summon. They have no limit to how many creatures they can summon as long as they have the appropriate cost to summon and their cost will be halved if certain conditions are met. There is no time limit to how long these creatures can be summoned for, but the cost of summoning these creatures will be permanently removed from the user's total cost until the creature's death or return to the user's Gacha Inventory!~

"Certain conditions, huh? Wonder what that could be. At least this explains my new Assimilation skill.... What's Full Assimilation though?" He thought to himself, tapping his chin in thought, but decided to put his thoughts on hold for now.

"Next up, titles." He mumbled to himself, grinning widely.

~Title: God of Gacha - Description: You have succeeded in breaking past the boundaries of normal Gacha users and have awakened as the incarnation of the God of Gacha! You have now unlocked the fabled "luck" stat that can interfere with the laws of reality and hands of fate!~

"That explains that.... Though it does sound pretty terrifying....I won't get in trouble for this....will I? Meh, let's not dwell on it for right now." He said with a small nervous chuckle, a small bead of sweat rolling down his face as he clicked his second title.

~Title: Dragon Slayer - Description: Congratulations! You are the first person in history to kill a dragon "by yourself"! For that, all your stats have permanently increased by +25!~

He couldn't help but let out a small impressed whistle at that. It's not every day that you can get your stats increased for free without the use of equipment!

Though, Puck was starting to get tired of reading all these descriptions. He was never one for reading too much text, especially in his Gacha games.

Luckily he only has to check one last thing. Pretty good timing on his part too, he cauld hear the sound of birds waking up outside the window.

He couldn't stop the soft smile that appeared on his face as he finally clicked his new "Full Assimilation" skill.

~Skill: Full Assimilation - Rank S - Skill Type: Active - Description: Unlike it's other incomplete counterpart, this skill will allow the user to FULLY assimilate a selected creature from the user's "Gacha Inventory". Allowing the user to gain all stats, skills, knowledge, and experience of said creature! - Cooldown: 24 hours - Duration: 1 hour - WARNING! The assimilated creature may try to take over the host if it's unwilling to be assimilated! The user is recommended to only do this with creatures he's familiar with and is confident of their personality traits!~


This one skill....

Made Puck's draw hit the floor.

It sounded absolutely absurd! Who'd willingly risk their lives with a skill like this?!

Well that answer was simple.

"FUCK YEAH!!!" Puck exclaimed, jumping up onto the bed as he stared down at the skill in disbelief and excitement, a wide grin splitting his face as he read the description over and over again. "Holy fucking shit! This is a fucking jackpot!"

Of course it was! He was a weeb after all! Being able to become any character in his gacha inventory for an hour?! That's all he's ever wanted!

Speaking of inventory, he has yet to check both his regular and Gacha inventory. Especially now that he knows Naruto and the rest of Team 7 we're in there. Who knows what else could be inside?! Plus he still needs to see the rewards for defeating that dragon dungeon boss.

Just as he was about to swipe over his Gacha inventory, the sound of rushing footsteps reached his ears. He didn't know if it was due to his new rise in stats, but he could tell that it was 4 people in total.

3 men and 1 woman.

"Shit! Fuck me and my loud mouth! I forgot I was still in the fucking hospital!" He cursed his loud mouth under his breath before swiftly moving back to laying down, taking a position like he was sleeping and calming his breathing just in time for the door to his room to burst open.

"Hello?! Who's in here?! Is everything alright?!" A feminine voice exclaims as the lights in the room we're flicked on, revealing a attractive brunette wearing a tight form fitting suit with short sleeves and fingerless gloves. Draped over her shoulders was a fur cape like article of clothing.

Her voice held an edge of authority that Puck had never heard in his life, though he had no idea what she looked like due to his eyes still being closed, he couldn't help but feel that her voice was....



End Chapter 3~

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