With a deep breath, the elder turned around to leave the training hall. "Just take a look at her file."

With another eye roll, he picked up your limp body in his arms. "Why the hell is the clan lead being so soft on you?" He grumbled to himself, taking a few steps out of the training hall himself. Though you were still conscious, you were barely holding it together. "You're nothing special. Hell, your fighting style is rookie. Satoru doesn't need to settle for someone like you."

Finally making it to the small medical quarters of the Gojo Clan, Akio tossed you on the bed with no remorse for your physical well-being. Grunting in pain, you instinctively rolled back into your juvenile armadillo form.

"I'll call the medic," Akio frowned, turning to the counter before spotting a peculiar file out. On it, read the name Y/n L/n.

"Eh? Did the geezer leave this out?" He muttered annoyed. With the clan leader's words at the back of his mind, he carelessly picked up the file. "You're not special. Why the hell was Gojo-Sama so insistent I take a look at this anyhow?"

His eyes leisurely scanned through the document, before he choked.


Throwing the files onto the floor, he turned to face you in a mix of anger and fear.



After re-organizing the files, Akio spent some time properly sifting through them. Had he accessed these files before, there was a slim chance he wouldn't have been so hard on you. How was he supposed to know you couldn't use your technique until recently? He's never heard of you before, so he just assumed it was because you were some random nobody - not some girl with a ridiculous cursed technique sent 10 years into the past!

But even all of that aside, you were threatening enough to be identified as one of the targets of the Star Plasma Vessel mission. Akio's heard murmurs about that case, and how an unidentified man snuck onto school grounds to assassinate Tengen's next vessel. Though the mission has been halted with the vessel's future enrolment at the school, there was still damage reported at Tokyo High.

A girl was left in fatal condition.

Shooting his gaze back at you, he could barely process anything on this paper as fact. To think he could be completely wrong about anyone was rare, but the weight of the levels he fucked up on was incredible. To put someone who was just in fatal condition through this type of sparring was risky.

Why did the clan head entrust your training to him without being told any of this before?! And it's not like the usual medical procedures could be used on you either. Nevertheless, you could have said something too, but you chose not to. Did he beat you up so badly you couldn't speak, or did you really think you could tough it out? Under different circumstances it would have been an admirable effort, but considering everything you've been through it was completely irresponsible.

Sighing, Akio took out his phone. Scrolling through his contacts, he tapped on the only name he could think of: Satoru Gojo.

"Hey," Akio greeted, shifting the phone up to his ear. "Where are you right now?"

"I'm looking for Y/n-chan," Satoru muttered, the distant sounds of opening and closing sliding doors in the background. "She's not in the training hall nor any of the guest rooms. Hey, have you seen her? I'm sure you must've heard who she'd be assigned to for her training. Though, shouldn't she be training right now? I mean with the Kyoto event just around the corner, whoever they assigned should've been on it. Do you think she slept in? Maybe I should check her room. Hey hey, do you know why they assigned her a room? They could've just put her in mine, I wouldn't have minded the company. Though, if she was in my room, I'd probably never let her leave. She'd just be too cute, ya know? Like a pet! An incredibly adorable loveable bunny I'd never leave alone! Bunnies require a lot of attention, did you know that? Most owners adopt bunnies, but don't have the slightest clue just how much time they need! You think Y/n would want a bunny in the future? Though, I'd prefer to see her in a bunny su-"

The rate at which Satoru spoke was excessive enough to nearly give Akio whiplash, so he slightly pulled the phone off his ear to give him some space. Satoru's always been either incredibly laid back or way too energetic. This is just one of those days.

"I brought her to the infirmary," Akio swirly cut him off in a confession. Scratching the back of his head, he continued before Satoru could respond. "I'm in charge of her training. She has a few scratches, so I'm patching her up."

With a hefty sigh, Akio couldn't really tell what was going through the boy's head. But before it could marinate for too long, Satoru closed his eyes as the words parted through his lips. "I'll be right there."

It didn't take long for the boy to meet with you and Akio in the infirmary. By this point you were already passed out, a soft snore hummed out of your lips as you hugged a pillow close to your chest. It was oddly peaceful, but under closer investigation, all your bruises and wounds from the merciless beating were hard to miss. Satoru didn't seem surprised though. Maybe it was his upbringing, but this type of result was typical for someone just starting out.

Satoru sighed, doing his best not to look your way. He knew once he saw you with anything more than a bruise he'd panic, so he kept his glances to a minimum. "I'm glad it was you they entrusted with her training."

Akio scoffed, crossing his arms as he glanced away from the white haired boy. "Why's that? You're not pissed?"

"It's because you know when to stop," Satoru admitted. "You also brought her here and called me. I can't say anyone else would have done the same. I appreciate it, Sensei."

"I told you not to call me that," Akio snapped back. But Satoru only smirked, leisurely throwing his hands in his pockets.

"Still, I appreciate whatever you can do for her," the solemn words left Satorus lips as he stared blankly at the wall, "not because it's something my dad asked, not because she'd be the future First Lady of the Gojo clan or any of that bullshit. If she dies, I'll go off the handle. I think it's ultimately good that she's going through all of this. If she can properly protect herself from curse users, or maybe against myself, this will be best for us in the long run."

"Do you love her?" Akio's golden gaze trailed the blue eyed boy in question.

"Of course." The boy affirmed. "I love her."

Though doubt flashed over the Sensei's features. "Are you sure it's not obsession?"

The blue eyed boy was taken aback, his eyes falling from the gaze of the wall momentarily. The thought never really crossed his mind before, but it was enough of a shock to disorient him.

Noting the future clan leader's reaction, Akio let off a small sigh. Though, he was surprised to hear the next words to fall out of his mouth.

"Don't worry, it's love." Satoru smiled, eyes crinkling up ever so slightly before coming to a close. But before they could close, there was a certain flash of uncertainty wavering in his gaze.

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