"Or I'll put her on pills or anything to avoid getting pregnant" Mrs. Jeon doesn't sound happy about it too. As much as she wants to have grandchild to take care of she doesn't want to be the cause of their dreams delay

Taehyung walks out of the room looking for them, she's a little bit hungry and wants to eat something spicy or sweet

"Hello"  she says looking groogy from sleep. Jungkook got up to guide her in the table, get her a plate to join them

"How are you feeling baby?" He asks awkwardly.. he look at her and thinks what happened to their last love making

He looks pale and blames it to the nighties Jimin's parents gifted to her. He forgot to use protection that time but it's impossible that she got pregnant because of that.. it happened last night and it's way too early to say she's already pregnant

Taehyung sniffs the air and smells the delicious meal on the table.. the smell of bell peppers overwhelmed her senses and pushed away the plate of it while covering her nose

All of them look at her weirded on what she did

"Don't you like caldereta? It's a dish I just learned to cook when we got here"  Mrs. Jeon asks, she shyly pulls back the plate after she realizes what she did, Mrs. Jeon must have felt offended by it

"I'm sorry.. I didn't mean it" she looks down on her laps playing with her finger, she thought of her parents and wants to see them at the moment

"I'm sorry if I sounded rude, I didn't mean it Tae.. I'm just asking"  the older lady panicked putting down her utensils. If she's pregnant she might be sensitive. Yoongi and Jimin watch the scene in front of them. They will go to their hotel room after this, it's just Jungkook's Mom doesn't want to let them go without having a meal with them. Jimin holds her hand on her lap squeezing it

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine.. I just want to eat"

"I'll get you rice" he motion to stand up but she holds her in place shaking her head

"No, i... I don't want rice.. I'll have a sandwich instead. Excuse me" She stands up to get a bread on the kitchen counter leaving them, Jungkook follows her

"baby" he calls her, Taehyung looks at her shyly

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt your meal.... I want to see mom later and be with them for a while?"

"don't you like it here? I'll get room in a hotel, I'll be with you if you feel awkward being with my parents" he suggests but Taehyung seems to be thinking what to say. She just like to be with them

"I don't know... I just want to be away"

"Even from me?"  Jungkook pouts hugging her from behind

"I missed them but before I go... I ahmm, can we talk?"

Jungkook leans more to her side whispering

"Ofcourse, anything you want"

Taehyung starts to walk around searching for a cup of mug and get the kettle, she opens the stove and heat some water. She opens the cabinet and look for Chocolate powder. She's craving for a hot chocolate milk. She get two pieces of bread and put an amount of strawberry jam and took a bite on it

Jungkook watch her preparing her food, she observe her a little to close and think if she does this in a regular basis or just now

She finished her sandwich and sips on her mug holding it with both hands. She likes it warm on her palms. Jimin and Yoongi took their leaves after saying their goodbyes. Mrs. Jeons go to her room and leaves the couple alone after she make sure she didn't offended Taehyung

"Babe" Jungkook starts sitting near her

"Hmm?"  Taehyung looks at her, she offers her drink but Jungkook wants coffee than a chocolate

"I make you coffee" Taehyung offers and starts to walk around the kitchen again till she's mixing a mug of coffee for him

"Thanks"  Jungkook got it from her kissing her forehead

"I want to have dinner with my parents" she kindly says informing him

"Babe, I... I want you to do something for me?"

"What is it?"  She seems okay now and sits on his lap

"Do you mind if.. if..." Jungkook takes a deep breath and holds her, he doesn't want to scare her but Taehyung beats him to it

"Do you want me to take a pregnancy test?"  She smiles and take a sip again

"babe.. you're not mad if I wanted you too?"

"why would I be?"  She asks totally clueless

"I thought of it since we came here earlier. I'm not gonna lie.. I feel weird but I'm sure I'm not preggy" she smiles teasingly"

"I want babies with you ofcourse but I don't want to ruin you future plans for yourself. We can have babies anytime we want but not for now yes?" Jungkook asks holding her tight. He loves her very much and babies can wait like they always say

He kissed her on the temple and she leans to his chest

"Wait.. you're sure that you're not pregnant but how can you explains your feelings? Dizzy, cravings and what about the food?"

"I don't really like the smell of bell peppers.. the dizzyness is because I'm lacking of sleeps. You always tires me making love with you and about the last time that I didn't remind you to wear a condom? I'm on pills.. I told Mom that I need it. She recommends an ob-gyne so I'm on pills"

"My Mom thought I got you pregnant already and I'm scared.. i really thought were having a baby"

"I told you, I want to finish college and work, make my own money then the babies"  she says pointing it out on him while making traces on his chest, Jungkook holds her fingers and kisses it and whispers to her lips

"I want you now! Please?"
He made a puppy eyes make her agrees but Taehyung have another plan for tonight

"I'll be with my parents"

"After you tell me that you're on pills, that we don't need to resist each other, you want to leave me?" He pouts and gave her a chaste kiss on the lips, somehow seducing her

Taehyung laughs..

"that's why I'm thinking if I should tell you about it... You'll become horny as ever!"

"horny only for you baby! Please?"  He starts to roam his hands on her waist gripping on her butt cheeks

"The things you making me feel!"

"And I hope you would only feel that only for me.. the truth is, I'm still scared.. I was thinking what if I didn't give you everything you'd like..like satisfying you, you probably look for it for another girl. I should consider your needs despite that I wanted to make my dreams come true"

Jungkook stops and stares at her, she still have this insecurities

"baby.. I wouldn't look for it for anyone. I like doing it with you, you're more than enough baby. Remember.. I love you. I'll have a family with you. Sometimes I don't know what else to do. Please believe me?"

"I believe you but I can't stop thinking of reasons why married couples got divorce even having a baby and... "

"we won't divorce! We're going to get married. Period.. I'll be faithful to you.  I'm so inlove with you baby can't you see?"

"i know and I love you very much too Kookie, I just want this to work out. I'm sorry if I look like I'm not believing in you. I'm just scared"

"there's nothing to be scared of. We have our parents. Our friends. We can do this okay?"

Taehyung nods nuzzling in his neck holding him tight. Just thinking of him leaving him for any reason makes her heart stings of pain



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