
You grab the apron and tie it on as you pour the next round of batter into the irons.

☮♢☮ TIMESKIP ☮♢☮

You really liked that Alby said you could be excused early, because there was someone you want to see.

You only worked for breakfast and lunch because you asked to get excused for "pain" in your leg. So after eating, you help clean up for a bit, and then are released into the Glade to do whatever you want.

Minho isn't back yet, so you decide to make the most of it by freshening up. You grab some stuff for a shower and leave to go take one. You're glad you weren't interrupted that time through.

Through the tiny window in the bathroom, you see Minho run into the Glade.

You want to chat with him, so you pull on my pre-tied shoes and run to put your things back before following him to the map room.

You decide to try to pull another prank, so you creep over to the shrubbery nearby the main entrance. From a squatting position, you watch the doorway, waiting for him to emerge. After about five or so minutes of silence, he walks out.

His shirt clings to his chest, dripping with the sweat he'd produced. As he steps further into the sunlight, you notice that his forehead glistened with it too.

When he stood about a yard or so away from you, you jump out from behind the brush and tackle him to the floor.


With you straddling him, you both begin to laugh.

"Gotcha," you say with a smile.

Then the little shank pulls you into the dirt beside him, and rolls over me, pinning your shoulders into the ground.

"Think again slinthead,"

"Arg! How do you always win?"

"I'm just shucking fabulous,"

He gets up and reaches down to help you to your feet. You grab his outstretched hand, but don't let go once you're standing.

Hand in hand, both covered in dirt, you both wander deeper into the deadheads.

"Have you seen the wall yet?" he asks you.

"What's so special about a wall?"

"I'm guessing no one's shown you yet. Lets go,"

In no time, Minho and you find yourselves at the base of a piece of the Glade wall, but it had names carved into it. Some were worn down, some were written sloppily, and some were crossed out. You point to a crossed off name, 'George'.

"I'm guessing he's dead,"


He looks down towards his shoes and gives your hand a squeeze before dropping it. With his free hand, Minho reaches into the harness that he always had strapped to his back and pulled out a dagger.

"You're one of us now (y/n)," he says, handing you the small knife. "Now make it official,"

You look for where his name is and etch yours in just below it. Then you put the dagger back into his strong hand and trace your fingers in each letter of his name. M-i-n-h-o.

"How long have you been here," you question, turning back to him.

"About two years. I came a few months after Newt and Alby,"

"Do you ever wonder why we're here?"

"All of the time, but it doesn't matter,"

"Why not?"

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