"Nervous ?"

"A little " I admitted as I felt everyone's eyes on me .

My father linked his arm with mine , his purple eyes serious as he said "It's not too late to back out , you know . If you're having any doubts , I'll get you out of here and there's nothing anyone can say or do"


"No, I know I'm not the ... greatest father in the world but I would die for any of you kids . Yes , you're all annoying , needy and take up alot of your mothers time but my love is unconditional. There's nothing in this world I wouldn't give you " He explained softly , his eyes blazing .

"I love you too dad" I grinned, squeezing his hand " But I'm ready" .

The ceremony was a beautiful thing , I felt so much love and happiness that I genuinely felt as if I was going to burst .

I couldn't imagine a time where I had felt happier .

After the ceremony , we went straight to the feast which was delicious, filled with almost every food known to man.

"How does it feel to be a married woman ?" Adria asked , wriggling her eyebrows .

"It feels good , this couldn't have gone any better" I admitted with a grin .

"Yeah , we know" Raven said , her tone pointed .

"What do you mean ?"

"Who do you think distracted your parents whilst Enzo slipped in ? And don't think we didn't see him wiping his mouth when he came out too" Snorted Oliver .

My jaw dropped open and I could feel myself get hot with embarrassment .

"Kill me " I groaned , dropping my head in my hand .

"So, how good is he with his tongue ?" Adria asked curiously.

"I'm literally not answering that!" I snapped , stabbing my food with my fork .

"You do know I can hear you ? And I'm very talented with my tongue . Fingers too and don't even let me get started on how good I am with my coc-"

Before he could finish , I elbowed him sharply in the ribs with probably abit more force than necessary as he doubled over in pain.

"Hey!" I gasped as he elbowed me back .

"Equal rights" Enzo smirked before going back to his food .


By 9pm the party was in full swing , everyone was singing and dancing and having the time of their life .

The wedding was a complete success .

"Do you guys mind if I steal my wife for a second?" Came Enzos voice , sliding up to me as I danced with my friends .

"Of course ! But don't do anything we wouldn't doooo" Sang Oliver.

"Which doesn't leave alot !" Sniggered Adria , sending me a wink .

"What's up ? Is everything okay ?" I laughed as he pulled me from the dancefloor and outside .

"I've got one more surprise for you , its in the forest "

"This better not be some sex ploy " I said , shooting him a suspicious look .

"Not if he wants to keep his head on his shoulders it isn't " Came a playful tone I hadn't heard in what seemed like forever .

"Uncle Aztec !" I gasped out , my eyes filling up with tears as I ran toward him .

I jumped into his arms, squeezing him tightly to remind myself that he was real .

His face was slightly gaunt , his cheeks sinking in within themselves but his green eyes shined with love and his honey blonde hair was slicked in its usual ponytail . His beard was grown out and looked slightly scruffy and he had on a white shirt that showcased the tattoos that littered every inch of his skin .

It was so good to see him .

"Uncle Aztec , I'm so so sorry" I sobbed , holding him even closer .

"Don't be silly , you've done nothing wrong. I'm sorry I haven't been there for you , what you went through was traumatic but I had -"

"There's nothing to apologise for , you've done nothing wrong " I replied, my tone firm as I squeezed his hand .

"You're too kind, more than I deserve"

"Don't be ridiculous " I rolled my eyes " Does mom and dad know you're here ? Will you come
Inside ?"

"I don't think that's a good idea. I'm sure your father can sense me but I don't think he's going to let your mother come out and I don't want to make a scene . But I had to see you on your big day , you look stunning and I want you to know that I love you and I'm so proud of you . None of this is your fault and if you need anything , I'm here for you always" Uncle Aztec vowed , squeezing my hand before teleporting away.

"Enzo , I can't even tell you how much that means to me. This was the best gift I could ever ask for" I said as he took my hand .

"There's nothing I wouldn't do for you Zia . My love for you runs unconditional and I know I'm not perfect and I'm a handful but never doubt the lengths I'll go to make you happy . It took everything in my power not to rip that mutts tongues out but I didn't want you to be sad on your big day . I wanted everything to be perfect for you "

"It was " I smiled before wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling his lips to mine .


Authors Note : THE END! It's been such a journey writing this story and I've loved every second of it ! I appreciate every vote and comment . Big shoutout to BreshaKierra unauthorized1_2   PizzaRollsLover lanaswife20 who I always see my notifications too , it doesn't go unnoticed !

RAVENS STORY IS NOW UP! It's called Captured , go take a look and let me know your thoughts!


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