Looking down at her, her fists clenched and eyes alight, Sirius thought someone would have to be insane to pick on her and expect quiet submission.

"I'll just stand behind you next time," Sirius said, "Look menacing while you give it to them yeah?"

She laughed, and Sirius could see why James was smitten, "That sounds perfect." She reached up suddenly, brushing her fingers along Sirius' cheek. He winced, forgetting about the two punches he'd taken there. It must've bruised badly. "This looks like it hurts," she said, dropping her hand.

Sirius grinned, "Nah, not really," he said as they started walking towards the training room. "You ready for your fight?"

Lily sucked in a breath, "I hope so."

They reached the door and went inside, Lily stopping mid step, a look of absolute horror on her face.

"What?" Sirius asked, following her gaze to the chalk board.

Lily - Severus

"Shit," he said.

"Shit," Lily agreed.

James appeared in front of them, an empty muffin wrapper in his hand and his mouth full. "What's going on?" he asked. "Besides Peter getting his ass beat of course."

Sirius glanced towards the ring just in time to see Marlene delivering a swift kick to Peter's side. Sirius winced.

"Everything is shit," Lily said furiously.

"What's shit?" James asked, spraying crumbs everywhere.

Lily groaned, "I'm up against Snape."

James looked at her so earnestly Sirius wanted to look away, "Don't worry Lily. I'm sure you'll do great."

"I dunno..." Sirius said, watching Snape slink closer to the ring, greasy hair tucked behind his ears, face downturned in a scowl, "He seems pretty determined."

With a thump, Peter was out cold, Marlene looking down at him with her hands on her hips.

"Yeah Marlene!" Sirius whooped as he ran up to help James drag Peter out of the ring, the boy already regaining consciousness, blinking blearily as he slumped on a chair.

"Sorry Pete," Marlene said as she joined them, her face shiny from sweat.

"Dn't wrry 'bout it," Peter slurred, sliding down the chair. "Jst hrts a'bit."

James rolled his eyes, pushing him up and holding him there.

Sirius' gaze flicked to the ring, which Snape was walking into, and where Moony and Fenrir were waiting on the outside. Moony had his arms crossed, the silver scars shimmering like moonlight on his skin. As if he could feel Sirius staring, he turned and their eyes locked.

For what felt like forever, Sirius just...looked at him. Looked at the tiny smirk. Wondered what it meant. Looked at the scar across his nose. Wondered how he got it. He looked and looked until Fenrir shouted out.

"Lily! In the ring, now!"

He ripped his gaze away from Moony and watched as Lily walked into the ring, wiping her hands on her legs nervously.

"Come on Lily," Sirius whispered fervently, like a prayer.

Lily stepped into the ring, widening her stance as Snape smirked at her, flicking the greasy hair off his face.

"Come on," Fenrir snarled, "Fight! We don't have all day."

Snape glanced at Fenrir, and that was enough of a distraction for Lily to dart forward, punching him in the throat, her hand moving like lightening. Sirius grinned as Snape gagged, his hands flying up to cup his throat as Lily kneed him right in the stomach.

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