you trust me

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"No, sorry. My name is Moon Chaerin, I work as an actress under YN Entertainment. There was something I wanted to talk to you about, it's really important," I said.

"Uh, no offense but are you lying? You wouldn't believe how many times people have tried that line on me," she asked hesitantly.

"You can look me up. I swear I'm legit," I promised.

She did a quick Naver search to authenticate me before relaxing a little. "Sorry, I'm a bit jumpy with those things. What can I do for you? I'm in a bit of a rush but I'll try to help you out."

I smiled gratefully, "Thank you so much. I'll try not to take up too much of your time. It just has to do with the article that was recently released in regards to the statement your company made about you."

"The what that who made about me? Article? I'm sorry, I don't think I know what you're talking about. Are you sure you have the right person?" She asked, a little weary again.

"You don't know anything about what's been going on? It's been all over the news," I said sort of dumbfounded.

She laughed sheepishly, "I try not to check celebrity news or responses on my socials for the sake of my own mental health."

Fair enough. Which meant she didn't even know or approve this being released, hence, her publicity team acted on their own accord and could get in heaps of trouble.

"Well, now you have me worried. What's going on online?" She asked.

"Your company basically released a statement saying that you and Hoseok were dating after meeting and falling in love on your recent movie," I said.

She choked, "WHAT? I'm sorry, I love Hoseokie but as a little brother at best."

"I figured as much. Our company didn't dignify the rumors with a response but when yours did, everyone began to believe it. And there are a couple problems with it. One, I'm a rookie actress and I am starring in my first lead drama role opposite Hoseok as a love interest. We're worried because of how close these events are that it'll generate negative press for not only me and him but also the show and Jeon Jungkook is the director so..."

"So he might rain hellfire on the earth," she chuckled.

I laughed, "Yeah something like that. But also—"

"You're dating Hoseok?" She finished the thought for me.

I coughed a little, inhaling a ton of shock at how brazenly she just said it. "H-how did you—"

She chuckled, "I've been around the block a lot longer. It's not hard to see it in your eyes. There's a slight fire of jealousy, although I'm sure you're trying not to show it because you know it's not true."

" should consider becoming a psychic if you get bored of acting," I breathed out.

"Haha, you're an entertaining one," she giggled. "But in all seriousness, I think I can spare enough time right now to go grab my boss and talk to the publicity team. Because that wasn't approved by me and I don't exactly want that going around. Mainly because I'm engaged to someone who isn't a celebrity, but don't tell anyone."

"My lips are sealed, believe me," I promised.

"This must be why my fiancé was in a mood the other day. That makes so much more sense," she groaned frustratedly. "Alright, come with me. Let's go and talk to some people."

She marched us right past the receptionist and curious onlookers leading me to the long-journeying elevator. I watched in awe as we passed through all the levels of the building.

When we got to the top, she quickly went to grab her boss and explained the entire situation to him. Needless to say he was furious. Because the only reason he authorized them going forward with the lie was because he thought that Sunni had approved it. So a web of lies to generate some publicity had everyone wrapped up in this unnecessary drama.

The three of us went over to the conference room where both sides were having the discussion. Although from the looks of it, heated argument seemed to be a more appropriate word for it.

Both sides seemed to be screaming at each other and no progress was being made. And that's where women come in and save the day.

The CEO didn't even bother knocking before barging into the meeting with us in tow.

"Oh! CEO Nam," the publicity team bowed hurriedly.

Hoseok and the others shot me a confused look at what was going on. I gave them a triumphant smile, encouraging them to watch what unfolded.

"So what's this I'm hearing that none of you decided to consult Sunni about this stunt? She thinks of him as a little brother and those pictures you made up? Oh my god they were atrocious. What do you think that does for the reputation of our company? You forced them to come over here and went on about publicity when all you'd be doing us screwing over theirs for something untrue. You're lucky the lie got caught before it got too out of hand. You all need to fix the statement that it was a misunderstanding and that she likes Hoseok as a dear friend, nothing more," CEO Nam scolded.

"I'll even take to my socials and draft something to affirm it. That way you guys can deny the allegations," Sunni said to us. She patted my arm, "Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I better get going because I'm late for a schedule but I hope it all works out. Good luck!"

"Once you fix your mistake we can discuss what to do with your careers going forward," he said seriously.

He turned to us offering a sincere bow, "I'm so deeply sorry about what has happened and all the trouble you went through."

Yoongi shook his hand, "Just don't let it happen again. Otherwise both of our companies would've lost immense amounts of credibility."

"On that note, I also have a schedule that I'm late for. So shall we," I urged impatiently, earning a slight chuckle out of them.

"Let's go then. It seems Chaerin has proven to be the hero," Hoseok smiled.

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