38 Jack's Friend Turns Foe

Start from the beginning

"Jack, I know you are smart enough to realize what's going on here. In order to be sure my brother stays out of prison, we can't let you make it to your trial," J'Nae starts to monologue.

At this moment, I realize she must be baiting him. The ole girl is still with us. She hasn't gone rogue.

"We can't run the risk of them finding a body, or the case will remain open," my friend continues. "So I guess we have to keep you alive for a bit longer."

J'Nae turns her head and nods to her brother.

Her gaze returns to me.

"But, Jack. We only have to keep you alive long enough that no one comes looking for you. Doesn't mean we can't make the last of your time with us a nightmare."

I feel the searing pain in my right shoulder before I hear the gun go off. I hear my name shouted by both Tyson and Ray.

"Fuck!" I screech, stumbling back into Ray's grasp.

She's not baiting. She's not baiting. She has just lost her goddamn mind.

"Hell, J'Nae. That's what I am talking about. Maybe I have had you wrong this whole time," Silkston compliments.

"Well, I figure, you killed that piece of trash Claire Miller. The least I can do is handle this asshole."

Silkston lets out a confident laugh. "Yeah, I put the final bullet in Junkie Claire. Sad though, she was my best worker. The way that that bitch made meth was a gift. Tried ratting me out, so she had to die."

"Fuck you!" I scream.

A pang of bittersweet pain hits my stomach at the sound of hearing of Claire's end. In a sad way, I am relieved to hear that I really did not have anything to do with her death.

"Shut up, Jack," J'Nae says, aiming the gun at my head. "But, she was just the tip of the iceberg. A man of power like you, Nash. You have been running this town for some time."

"Indeed I have. There isn't a drug deal, murder, or botched court trial I don't have my hand in. I say what goes in this town, and everyone listens."

A blur of movement behind Silkston snags my attention for a moment. My eyes cut to where House was lying and find he has disappeared.

"So, J'Nae. What do you say you join me in running this town? Take part in the family business?"

With a flash in her eyes and a cunning grin, she says, "I already have. Our dad's business."

With a 180, she turns and fires a shot into Silston's left leg.

"Nash Scott, you are under arrest for the murder of Claire Miller and the corruption of law in this city."

"You bitch!" he spits.

"Tony! J-Dawg!" Silston shouts for back up.

"You mean these guys?" House appears, throwing the concussed bodies of two lackeys to the ground. One of whom was the douche holding Tyson hostage. He steps over and takes Silkton's arms behind his back.

"You will never get me on this. I have too many connections. Who is going to believe you?" I could hear the fear in Silston's voice.

Tyson is beside me, taking me in his embrace.

"Jack. Jack," he just keeps repeating my name as he covers my head in kisses.

J'Nae squats beside us. "Did you get it all?"

Tyson pulls his phone from his pocket and hands it over.

"The video is shared on the cloud and emailed to a half dozen news outlets in the area."

"Perfect," J'Nae replies.

She turns to me, unable to say anything at first.

"Jack..." she starts.

"J'Nae," I cut her off. "Nothing needs to be said. You were doing your job."

"Jack. I know, but I had to make him–"

"Trust you to get the confession," I finished for her.

"I am so sorry if there was a moment where you thought differently of me. If you thought, just maybe..."

I let out a laugh that hurts my shoulder.

"Not going to lie, there was a moment when I thought maybe you had gone off the deep end."

"I am truly sorry for that," she says putting a soft hand on my cheek.

"Don't be. You did what you had to do. Your father would be proud," I remind her.

The tender moment is interrupted by a mousy voice.

"Ah, can we go home now?" from behind us Nicky stands in the doorway of the warehouse's back room.

This sends a much-needed wave of laughter through our ragtag group.

J'Nae scoops up the little guy and tells him yes as we hear sirens getting louder in the distance. 

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