They also did well on other award shows, managing to bag a total of seven trophies by the end of December (more than double the amount they had won last year), and this allowed the group to surge in popularity, both domestically and internationally.

Taking advantage of this, the agency already began to mark dates for the group's next comeback. However, it also celebrated the group's success by giving each member a generous bonus, and it decided to give the members a break for all the hard they had been doing.

Timeskip: sometime in January, after the award shows were finished 

"One vanilla latte, one chocolate latte, and two croissants, please." Heeseung said.


The pinkish-reddish haired boy turned to his side. Jake was standing right beside him at the front of a line in a small café, and the younger was giving him a frown. "Two croissants is too much. We can just share one."

"One croissant for the both of us isn't filling enough." the older said simply, turning back to swipe his card.

Jake was about to protest again, but then a small gasp suddenly came from a table nearby them.

"Eunji-yah, look! Isn't that Heeseung and Jake from Enhypen?" a voice whispered, and the couple immediately froze.

Then the voice gasped again. "It is!! Look, they're wearing the same couple bracelets, the rumors must be true!! They totally look like they're on a date right now!!" the voice whispered again, a little louder this time in growing excitement.

Jake's heart dropped into his stomach. Both he and Heeseung were wearing masks, but they had forgotten their beanies at home, leaving their bright blonde and pinkish-reddish hair completely exposed. They had also completely forgotten about the bracelets on their wrists because the jewelry had become so natural against their skin. They hadn't meant for themselves to be so visible to the public.

Nervously, Jake had the urge to pull his sleeve down and cover the bracelet on his wrist, but Heeseung's eyes slightly turned to the younger as the older shook his head subtly, preventing Jake from doing so.

If Jake pulled his sleeve down to cover the bracelet, he would basically be confirming to the voice that it was, indeed, himself and Heeseung and that they were, in fact, wearing couple bracelets because they were dating. 

"Yah, Sookyung-ah you're being too loud" the person that the voice was talking to (which the couple assumed to be 'Eunji') finally said, shushing the other. They both sounded young and female, like teenage girls in high school.

But the voice now known as Sookyung didn't stop. "Yah, you should go up to them and ask for a picture!! Maybe you can get their bracelets in the photo, and we can confirm-"

"No, and be QUIET" Eunji said more firmly this time. The other girl immediately whined.

"Why not?? Aren't you an Engene??" Sookyung said, her high-pitched voice pouting like a child.

"Yes, and as an ENGENE I respect Enhypen's PRIVACY" Eunji snapped. She sounded like she was glaring now, clearly annoyed by her friend's immature behavior.

Sookyung went silent for a second. "But.. they're both GUYS. AND they're in the same group. Don't you find that weird??

Eunji simply scoffed. "You don't know if they're actually dating or not, and even if they are, why do you care? Love is love, no matter the gender or sexuality. If they ever do confirm to be in a relationship, then I'll support them all the way, and I'm sure many other Engenes would do the same. If you're not a fan and you don't have anything nice to say, then stay out of their business, period."

That effectively shut Sookyung up and made Jake and Heeseung look at each other with a smile.

They knew they could always trust Engenes to provide unconditional love and support, and they definitely wanted to share their love as a couple to their fans someday in the future.

But for right now, Jake and Heeseung would continue focusing on sharing their love with each other first as well as improving their skills to show better performances as Enhypen in the future.

They didn't need blessings from people like Sookyung. Nor did they care if people like her rumored and cursed about them. Now, they were no longer confused about their love or uncertain about their careers.

Now, they were ready to make their future perfect.



and... that's a wrap!!

i know this may seem sudden, but there's a couple reasons as to why i finished the story and posted it all this week:

a) i've actually had the whole story outlined for a while now, writing it out just took a lot of time

b) unfortunately, i'm starting my next uni term soon ㅠㅠ

c) i actually finished the story because i'm starting my next uni term soon, since writing has honestly been kind of stressful for me (i developed a bad habit of losing sleep to get chapters out despite being on break, and i feel like trying to do so while in school would end up being a disaster)

d) you all deserve it!! you've been so patient and supportive of me, especially with some of the boring chapters that came out before this week, so i decided i wouldn't make you guys wait any longer!!

thank you all so so much for taking the time to read this story!! i know i've said this a lot before, but i never expected to receive so much love and support (especially since it's my first story!). you all made this journey so special and so meaningful to me, and your votes, comments, and kind words always gave me unexpected joy during times i needed it most.

as of right now, i don't know for sure if i'll be writing another story in the future, but comment down below some ships/au's you'd want to see if i did!! who knows, i may consider starting another book in the summer ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

until then, if you ever have any questions about this story, feel free to leave comments or ask about them on my profile, and i'll do my best to answer!!

from the bottom of my heart, i love you all so so much, thank you again for everything ♡♡♡


Blessings, Curses, & Confusion | HeeJake |Where stories live. Discover now