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"We both know that we like each other now. And, like I said earlier.. I want us to happen. So... will you be my lover, Jaeyun-ah?"

Jake froze and his eyes widened, flickering back and forth between Heeseung's gaze. "What?"

He knew what the older was saying. But as Jake's love for Heeseung grew over the years, he could only hope that a moment like this would happen in his dreams. He couldn't believe it was happening right here, right now, in real life.

Heeseung smiled softly. "I said will you be my lover, Jaeyun-ah" he repeated, still using that sweet, gentle tone that the younger loved.

Jake's entire face lit up, which made Heeseung's warm smile grow even wider. But then something flashed across the younger's eyes and his smile disappeared, which made the older's smile disappear as well.

"What's wrong, Jaeyun-ah?"

Jake looked down and shuffled his feet under the table. "I.. I would love to, hyung, but... what about our careers?" he asked quietly. "What about Enhypen?" he looked back up, uncertainty filling his large puppy-like eyes.

Heeseung stared back at the younger before also looking down. He hadn't thought about that. Both of them had given up everything to pursue their dreams of becoming idols. They had spent countless sleepless nights honing their talents, pouring out sweat and tears, and overworking their bodies when they were trainees and even more so on I-Land. They had worked so hard to become a part of Enhypen. Heeseung couldn't imagine returning to life as a non-idol, and he couldn't imagine living a life without his precious members.

But then he looked back up at Jake, who was also deep in thought. He tried to imagine continuing life as an idol and burying all the feelings and affection he had for the younger inside him. He tried imagining simply viewing the younger as another friend and member again, but realized he couldn't. Jake was so much more than that. Jake was everything to Heeseung.


Before Jake had joined the company, Heeseung was always alone. He used to be very close with the members of TXT when they were still trainees, but they ended up debuting without him, leaving him all by himself. After that, all the other trainees seemed to be intimidated by Heeseung's immense beauty and talent, so no one ever dared to approach him. Even Jay and Sunghoon, whom Heeseung had known for years, seemed to be more comfortable in each other's presence than in the older's presence. Eventually, Heeseung came to accept the fact that he would always be a loner. He only hoped that if he did end up debuting, he would at least gain some business relationships with the members in his group.

One day, Heeseung was vocal training in a dance practice room rather than a studio since the producers needed to use them to record. On occasions like this, usually all of the trainees who had vocal training would be pushed into one room and mixed with other trainees practicing different things.

He was practicing agility runs with his voice when suddenly the room got quieter. Heeseung looked around to see the other trainees whispering and throwing glances at something he couldn't see. He hesitated for a second, debating whether or not to mind his own business and continue practicing, but curiosity got the better of him. He decided to walk over to two nearby trainees practicing Korean in a corner and asked what everyone was looking at.

The shorter, more younger-looking trainee looked at Heeseung in disbelief. "You don't know? That's the super hot guy from Australia" he said, pointing to said super-hot-guy-from-Australia.

Blessings, Curses, & Confusion | HeeJake |Where stories live. Discover now