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After their meeting with Chairman Bang, Jake and Heeseung relayed the good news to the rest of Enhypen, and all members were left in good spirits.

For the next couple of days, each unit powered through their performance practices, nailing every beat without missing a detail and perfectly syncing up their movements in ways that exuded natural chemistry.

Timeskip: November 15, D-14 until first award show

With only two weeks remaining before the first award show, each unit finally wrapped up their individual practice sessions. Tomorrow, all the members would come back together and begin practicing as a whole group, connecting each of the unit stages and practicing Blessed-Cursed.

"Great work everyone!!" the choreographer said, concluding the 'Fever' stage team's final individual practice as everyone in the room started clapping.

Jake and Heeseung bowed politely and thanked all the people they had been working with so far, showing their gratitude for the support and guidance they had received from the team.

Then, they gathered their things and headed home for the night, ready to relax before the next day of long, whole-group practice began.

Timeskip: 10:37pm

When they made it back to the dorm, Heeseung insisted on showering first, which Jake of course didn't mind.

When it came to the younger's turn to shower, Jake decided to take a long one, since all the members had already made it home and showered before him.

After washing up, Jake was finally ready to wind down and relax for the night. He would probably end up eating ramyeon and playing video games with Heeseung again before going to bed, but what better way to wind down than spending quality time with your lover?

Speaking of which, Jake still needed to move his stuff into Heeseung's room. Now that the members knew the two were a couple, Jay insisted on the Aussie moving in with Heeseung so he wouldn't have to witness the oldest coming into their room every night (aka inviting Jake over for cuddles that always ended in them falling asleep with each other anyway).

I'll do it tomorrow, Jake thought to himself. Right now, ramyeon is more important.

But when he stepped out of the bathroom, the dorm was completely dark and silent, not a single light to be seen nor a single noise to be heard.

"...Hello? Guys?" Jake called, blindly fumbling around for the light switch.

No answer. He knew the power hadn't gone out since the bathroom light was still working before he turned it off (which he now realized he shouldn't have), so the members must've been playing a trick on him.

"Not funny, guys. Can someone turn on the lights??" Jake said, still fumbling for the light switch and starting to get a little antsy. He didn't like being alone in the dark.

Then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a faint light start to flicker from behind him.

Turning around, he saw his beloved Heeseung slowly walking towards him with a warm, loving smile on his face and a large, candle-lit cake in his hands.

The rest of the members were behind him, cheeky grins on their faces as their hands held out their phones to record.

"Happy birthday to you.." they all began to sing slowly, and Jake's eyes immediately lit up, a surprised smile spreading across his face. He had totally forgotten that today, November 15th, was his birthday.

"Happy birthday to you," they continued, still approaching slowly.

"Happy birthday dear Jake~(hyung).. happy birthday to you!"

Everyone burst into applause, yelling their birthday wishes and shouting compliments as Sunghoon placed a party hat on Jake's wet hair.

Heeseung stopped with the cake right in front of him. "Happy birthday, love" he said, loud enough for only him and Jake to hear as the others continued whooping and cheering excitedly.

Jake smiled warmly back before looking at all the other members causing a ruckus, his heart filling with warmth as well.

"Make a wish, hyung!!" Sunoo said, and Jake drew his eyes towards the candle. He knew exactly what to wish for.

I wish that the members and I stay together for a long long time, and that we continue having fun and reaching exciting achievements moving forward as Enhypen.

Jake blew out the candle, and another round of applause ensued.

Then, out of nowhere, Sunghoon dipped a finger in the cake and quickly smeared it across Jake's cheek, causing the rest of the members to burst into laughter as the Aussie himself groaned.

One by one, the rest of the members followed suit, dipping their fingers and smearing cake across Jake's nose, other cheek, chin, etc. Even Heeseung took to putting some frosting on Jake's lips, and the Aussie looked up at him with wide eyes in fake-betrayal.

Finding Jake absolutely adorable, Heeseung smiled, flashing his pearly whites before quickly stealing a peck from the younger's lips, taking the frosting off.

Jake blushed and his eyes widened in actual surprise this time as Sunghoon did the typical romantic-cliché whistle. Sunoo gasped, covering Ni-ki and Jungwon's eyes, and Jay groaned "get a room!!"

But Heeseung was too busy enjoying the fact that he could openly love the Aussie to care. Before Jake had time to do anything else, the oldest began attacking his face with kisses, targeting each and every spot that had cake smeared on it from the other members.

He continued peppering Jake's face with kisses for a moment before finally pulling away and stealing one last peck from the younger's lips, leaving Jake a flustered mess.

Sunghoon laughed and clapped his hands in delight as Sunoo finally released a breath and uncovered Ni-ki and Jungwon's eyes. Jay rolled his eyes, but his mouth was upturned in a smile.

"Well, any words from the birthday boy?" Sunghoon asked, a goofy grin still on his face as he shoved an invisible microphone towards the Aussie. 

Fanning himself to regain his composure, Jake looked up and smiled at his beloved Heeseung and the rest of the members gathered around him.

"Thank you, I love guys so so much."



everything about this chapter warms my heart, i love our En-family sm 

ok guys don't freak out, but... i'm posting the finale/epilogue tomorrow FKJSHDFKJ

i promise i will explain myself, but i didn't want to just drop it out of the blue (even tho that's kind of what i'm doing rn..), so yeah ㅠㅠ


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